
Go CLI tool to clone an organization's repositories in bulk (using the Github API)

Primary LanguageGo


Simple go tool to that, given an org name, makes a shallow clone all the repositories inside it.

This can be useful if you're exploring an organization's codebase, for doing backups, or ... probably other things? I wrote this joining a new company and wanting to look at languages/style choices in some depth.

This includes any repos for an organization you have access to (public or private).


  • GITHUB_TOKEN env var to be set
  • org name on the cli
  • path to clone into (will be created if needed)

It will try and detect already-cloned repositories and skip them, so you can run it periodically to fetch fresh repos.

Getting a token

  1. Go to the github token page
  2. Click 'Generate new Token'
  3. Check the first box (repo Full control of private repositories)
  4. Store the token somewhere secure (maybe your 1Password or LastPass vault?)
  5. Set the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable


  1. go build -o bulkclone main.go
  2. ./bulkclone yourorg ~/work/clones/yourorg

Future improvements

To be fair, I just wrote this to fill a need, and probably won't hack on it further. The hacky CLI versions of this tool don't work with high repo counts.

But if it almost-works for you, PR's welcome!

Some things that could be improved:

  • Optional/flagged deep vs shallow cloning
  • Parallelism of clones (right now it's one at a time, github can probably handle a bit more read i/o)
  • Overall progress indication ("repo 12 of 27...")