
an in-browser canvas tool which is great fun!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


make8bitart.com is a web-based pixel art application that's super fun and free and open source!


You can run this on the Web at make8bitart.com or locally on your own machine by downloading this github hosted zip file, unzipping it and then directing your browser to the index.html of the project root directory.


You can remix this project on Glitch and then send me a link to your changed app and I can review and merge.

That's my preferred method of receiving contributions but aw yiss, pull requests welcome. Check out the issues on Github for things I want to work on and holler if you want to take one or whatever on.

If you clone the project on Github to run locally, run npm install and then grunt to build. Grunt is used to concatenate and minify the js and css files into the build folder.


make8bitart.com uses jQuery and a jQuery plugin I wrote: draggybits. The local dev dependencies are Express and Grunt, along with the various Grunt plugins.

misc notes

Yes I know this isn't technically 8-bit, but you'll get over it!!

This project has a v chill development cycle, so I'm poppin' in features as I come up with them or as folks request them. Expect changes here often, and do not be shocked to find gross code. If you have suggestions, I'm totally open to hear them and learn if you're not a nerf dart about it!

made with ♥♥♥ by jenn schiffer

I designed, built, and created all of the graphics for this passion project. The dinosaur art in the source was found through a variety of geocities websites.

If you have feature requests, email jenn@dotbiz.info or tweet/dm @jennschiffer

xoxo j$ • jennmoney.biz