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Fusion Table Searchable Map Template by Derek Eder
Version 1.2
Updated 11/6/2011

After receiving several requests for a walkthrough for creating searchable maps with Fusion Tables, I decided to create this template to help get people started. It includes the basic setup to display a fusion table map and do simple address and radius searches. Once you have this working, feel free to look at my other maps to see how I added the additional filters.

Demo: http://derekeder.com/searchable_map_template/demo/index.html
Follow the steps below and you'll be in business with your own map
1. Create a Fusion Table (http://www.google.com/fusiontables/Home)
2. Make sure at least one column is set to a type of Location and that FT has geocoded it
3. Set the fusion table to be publicly visible (via the Share button in the upper right) 
4. In source/maps_lib.js, set fusionTableId to the ID of your Fusion Table (there's one at the bottom of index.html too)
5. In source/maps_lib.js, replace 'geometry' with the name of your location column
6. *Optional* Add/modify additional search filters to the doSearch() function (maps_lib.js line 59). This will depend on the data you are trying to map. I put in one example of filtering by a type column. You can see additional examples of these by viewing the source on any of these:
  - http://chicagobuildings.org
  - http://derekeder.com/maps/chicago-bike-crash-reports/index.html
  - http://derekeder.com/maps/chicago-tif/index.html
7. Upload this map and all the supporting files (source and styles folders) to your site 

Fusion Tables Resources
Here's a list of useful links I've come across while creating my searchable maps.

Fusion Tables

Fusion Tables Issue Tracker - http://code.google.com/p/fusion-tables/issues/list
Fusion Tables Google Group - http://groups.google.com/group/fusion-tables-users-group

Reference Guides
Google Maps API - http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/overlays.html#FusionTables
Fusion Tables API Developer Guide - http://code.google.com/apis/fusiontables/docs/developers_guide.html
Fusion Tables API Reference Guide - http://code.google.com/apis/fusiontables/docs/developers_reference.html

Data sources
Chicago Data Portal - http://data.cityofchicago.org/
Data.gov - http://www.data.gov/
geocommons - http://geocommons.com