
History of OpenPlans so far, from ~2000 to 2014.

Primary LanguageCSS

History of OpenPlans, Volume I

History is a work in progress.

Help tell the story of OpenPlans!

Submit a pull request to share your updates, or add an issue.

All accepted pull requests submitted before Jan 29th will earn the submitter an OpenPlans t-shirt!

New contributions go in _posts/, formatted with Markdown, with filenames like YYYY-MM-DD-title.md.

We'll share a nicely formatted version of this history in early 2015.

Local Setup


Run bundle exec jekyll serve.

Site should be available at http://localhost:4000.


To deploy this repository to gh-pages, run the following commands within a clean repository (any files in the _site directory that are modified and not checked in will find their way into the distribution if your repository is not clean):

git add --all _site/
git commit -m "Update the distribution files"
git push
git subtree push --prefix _site origin gh-pages

(Subtree instructions from https://gist.github.com/cobyism/4730490)

If you're missing subtree, install it.

Site should be available at openplans.github.io/history-of/.