
SDK to develope Salesforce Applications in C#

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

A C# to APEX Converter AND a APEX to C# Converter

Apex <> C# - Two Way Transpiler. A Quick 10 Min Video Intro can be found at https://vimeo.com/224927838

We are working on a detail documentation, but for now we assume you are a C# developer who is working on Salesforce. Our document Wiki will be https://github.com/apexsharp/apexsharp/wiki

Setting up and Running

  1. Create a new SF Dev org, get your API Token
  2. Download the whole Git Repo, save it in a folder at root under \ApexSharp
  3. This is a Net 2.0 project thus you can open this on Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio for Mac or JetBrains Rider.
  4. Start the apexSharpDemo Solution
  5. Demo Project is the project you want to work on
  6. On Setup.cs, set your SF Id, PW, Token
.WithUserId("You SF Id")
.AndPassword("You SF Password")
  1. Run the demo project.

Folder Structure

/Demo is the folder you will be working on. It contains few examples

/Salesforce contains a SF project that is used for the above demo

Questions ? Post it at https://github.com/apexsharp/apexsharp/issues