A modified version of HTML5 boilerplate with Sass and Grunt.
- files built from templates and partials in ./src/ and ./src/parts/
- CSS compiled from Sass in ./src/sass/
- CSS Lint task available
- concatenated and minified from ./src/js
- JSHint task available
- SVG's in ./src/assets/images optimised using svgmin
- Optimised SVG's rasterised using svg2png
- PNG's optimised using imageoptim and imagealpha
- SVG's in /src/assets/icons optimised using svgmin
- grunticon works its magic on them, saving all relevant files to dist/css
- Uses connect to serve files in ./dist/ to any device on the same network
- Tasks loaded using jit-grunt for approximately 1.5s (75%) time saving on
. Much more on watch tasks.