
This package makes it simple to use Zod with standard URLSearchParams and FormData which are typically used in Remix apps.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Remix Params Helper

All Contributors

This package makes it simple to use Zod with standard URLSearchParams and FormData which are typically used in Remix apps.

🚧 Work in progress

This package is still work in progress. I'll be refining the API and fixing the TypeScript types.

🛠 Installation

npm install remix-params-helper zod

Zod is a peer dependency

📦 Zod

Zod is used to validate untyped data and either return a valid object or a list of errors encounted.

To use the helper, first define your Zod schema and generate a TypeScript type using z.infer.

const ParamsSchema = z.object({
  a: z.number(),
  b: z.string(),
  c: z.boolean(),
  d: z.string().optional(),
  e: z.array(z.number()),
type ParamsType = z.infer<typeof ParamsSchema>

📝 API Reference

getParams<T>(params, schema)

This function is used to parse and validate data from URLSearchParams, FormData, or Remix params object.

It returns an object that has success property. If result.success is true then result.data will be a valid object of type T.

Otherwise, result.errors will be an object with keys for each property that failed validation. The key value will be the validation error message.

Unlike Object.fromEntries(), this function also supports multi-value keys and will convert them to an array. So e=1&e=2&e=3 will convert it to e: [1,2,3]

const url = new URL(request.url)
const result = getParams<ParamsType>(url.searchParams, ParamsSchema)
if (!result.success) {
  throw new Response(result.errors, { status: 400 })
// these variable will be typed and valid
const { a, b, c, d, e } = result.data


This helper allows you to set the props on your form <input/> based on your Zod schema.

The function returns another function that you use to spread the properties on your input. It currently sets the name, type, and required props based on the key value you specify. If you need to override any of the props, just add it after you spread.

If the key doesn't exist in the schema, it will throw an error. This way if you rename any properties, it will force you to use the correct key.

This currently uses the native browser validation like required. I plan on adding enhanced client-side validation that will utilize the same Zod schema.

function Component() {
  const inputProps = useFormInputProps(schema)

  return (
      <input ...{inputProps('a')} />
      <input ...{inputProps('b')} />
      <input ...{inputProps('c')} />
      {/* This will throw an error since 'x' is not in schema*/}
      <input ...{inputProps('x')} />

🌎 Example App

There is an example app at https://remix-params-helper.herokuapp.com/

Click on the Actions demo and the URL Params demo to see the helper in action.

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):


💻 📖



This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!