Derek Salama
Jana Coding Challenge

I didn't realize it until quite late, but I could not schedule an event on Google App Engine that uses the Twilio API
to make a call because they use the Apache HTTPClient, which is not supported by GAE. As such, the call needs to be
triggered manually by running "RedditCall.class". Had the incompatibility not been an issue, I simply would have used
the code from in the doGet function of JanachallengeServlet, as the GAE cron feature just does a GET
request at the specified time.

Basic Structure: uses the Twilio REST client to initiate the call

-JanachallengeServlet (running at serves up the call.jsp page

-call.jsp creates the xml with the "say" command and proper text

-RedditParser fetches the home page as a json object and extracts the title of the top posting