
HTML/Python frontend designed for paysite leaking.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Kemono project

Table of contents


  1. Clone repo and switch to the repo folder:

    git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/OpenYiff/Kemono2.git kemono-2
    cd kemono-2
  2. Set up configs:

    cp kitsune.py.example kitsune.py # archiver config
    cp .env.example .env # open .env and configure
    cp redis_map.py.example redis_map.py # open redis_map.py and configure
    cp flask.cfg.example flask.cfg # open flask.cfg and set 'SECRET_KEY' value


For now Docker is a primary way of working on the repo.


  1. Create a virtual environment:

    pip install virtualenv # install the package if it's not installed
    virtualenv --upgrade-embed-wheels # makes it easier to manage python versions
    virtualenv --python 3.8 venv
  2. Activate the virtual environment:

    source venv/bin/activate # venv\Scripts\activate on Windows
  3. Install python packages:

    pip install --requirement requirements.txt
  4. Install pre-commit hooks:

    pre-commit install --install-hooks



Copy .code-workspace file:

cp configs/workspace.code-workspace.example kemono-2.code-workspace

And install recommended extensions.


docker-compose --file docker-compose.dev.yml build
docker-compose --file docker-compose.dev.yml up

Open http://localhost:5000/ in the browser.


  1. Register an account.
  2. Visit http://localhost:5000/development.
  3. Click either seeded or random generation.
  4. This will start a mock import process, which will also populate the database.




docker-compose build
docker-compose up --detach

Open http://localhost:8000/ in the browser.


TODO: write installation and setup instructions

This assumes you have Python 3.8+ Node 12+ installed and a running PostgreSQL server.

# make sure your database is initialized
# cd to kemono directory
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate # venv\Scripts\activate on Windows
pip install --requirement requirements.txt
cd client && npm install && npm run build && cd ..
cp .env.example .env # open .env and configure
cp flask.cfg.example flask.cfg # open flask.cfg and configure
set FLASK_APP=server.py
set FLASK_ENV=development
flask run

Frequently Asked Questions

My dump doesn't migrate.

Assuming the running setup:

  1. Enter into database container:
    docker exec --interactive --tty kemono-db psql --username=nano kemonodb
  2. Check the contents of the posts table:
    SELECT * FROM posts;
    Most likely it has 0 rows.
  3. Move contents of booru_posts to posts:
  4. Restart the archiver:
    docker restart kemono-archiver
    If you see a bunch of log entries from kemono-db, then it means archiver is doing the job.
  5. In case the frontend still doesn't show the artists/posts, clear redis cache:
    docker exec kemono-redis redis-cli FLUSHALL

How do I git modules?

Assuming you haven't cloned the repo recursively for whatever reason:

  1. Initiate the submodules
    git submodule init
    git submodule update --init --recursive
  2. Switch to archiver folder and add your fork to the remotes list:
    cd archiver
    git remote add <remote_name> <your_fork_link>
  3. Now you can interact with Kitsune repo the same way you do as if it was outside of project folder.

How do I import from db dump?

  1. Retrieve a database dump.
  2. Run this command in the folder of said dump:
    cat db-filename.dump | gunzip | docker exec --interactive kemono-db psql --username=nano kemonodb
  3. Restart the archiver to trigger migrations:
    docker restart kemono-archiver
    If that didn't start the migrations, refer to FAQ section for manual instructions.

How do I put files into nginx container?

  1. Retrieve the files in required folder structure.
  2. Copy them into nginx image:
    docker cp ./ kemono-nginx:/storage
  3. Add required permissions to that folder:
    docker exec kemono-nginx chown --recursive nginx /storage