This guide is a simple sketch of a basic setup using the following components:
- Dotnet minimal web API which uses
- Dotnet class library for database class models and database access
- Dotnet cli for project generation and running code
- Docker for application containerization:
- Dockerfile for building all the dotnet components into an image
- compose.yaml for the docker compose file for easy docker setup
- ./MariaDB database. Easily initialize
databases and tables by creating a docker volume mapping to the containers
, and.sql.zst
files will be executed.
- adminer for easy database web debugging
These commands will create the project files we need to get started.
# Create a solution file. Not technically required but is good practice working
# with C# code. Note this should be in the project root.
dotnet new sln
# Create the web API project
# Change the argument to the -o to change the project name
dotnet new webapi -o WebApi
# Create the class library
# Change the argument to the -o to change the project name
dotnet new classlib -o ClassLibrary
# Connect all the projects
# 1. Load all csharp projects into the solution file (substitute any changed filenames
dotnet sln add ./WebApi/WebApi.csproj ./ClassLibrary/ClassLibrary.csproj
# 2. In the web API add a reference to the class library project
cd WebApi
dotnet add reference ../ClassLibrary/ClassLibrary.csproj
# Note the contents of the file ./WebApi/WebApi.csproj
# This is where the reference is stored
cat ./WebApi/WebApi.csproj
# 3. Make a change the to ./WebApi/Program.cs file to disable HTTPS
# delete the lines matching this:
# app.UseHttpsRedirection();
# app.UseAuthorization();
Lastly, verify the web API works
dotnet run
You should see output like this
dotnet run
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[14]
Now listening on: https://localhost:7169
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[14]
Now listening on: http://localhost:5149
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
Hosting environment: Development
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
Content root path: D:\Programming\dotnet\DotnetDatabaseHelloWorld\DotnetDatabaseHelloWorld\WebApi\
View the web API with Swagger/Open API by going to a modified version of the second localhost listed in the dotnet run output. So in this case:
(if already running in docker it should be http://localhost:8080/swagger/index.html) assuming the local port is mapped to 8080.
- Delete Class1.cs
- Add required NuGet packages using dotnet cli
cd ClassLibrary
# Database ORM (object relational mapper)
dotnet add package Dapper
# Required for dapper to "talk" to mysql or mariadb databases
dotnet add package MySqlConnector
# Needed to reed the appSettings.json file from a non project
dotnet add package Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions
Create the database access classes in new directory ./ClassLibrary/DbAccess:
- ISqlDataAccess.cs interface
- SqlDataAccess.cs implementation
Create the model classes to match database tables in ./ClassLibrary/Models:
- Names will be decided on your database setup. This example uses the Animal.cs file to declare the animal.
Create new directory DbCommands for class library commands to be used by the web API. Methods demonstrated in this example project include:
- InsertSingle
- InsertMany
- GetSingle
- GetAll
- UpdateSingle
- DeleteSingle
- DeleteAll
All of these methods will be used in the Program.cs web API file latter.
- Delete Controllers directory
- Edit Program.cs:
- Setup dependency injection (DI) in the WebApi's Program.cs to use the classes for sql access. DI helps because the class library does not need to read the appSettings.json file directly.
- Start mapping API endpoints for
API calls. These mappings are easy and map ```cs app.MapGet("/animals/list/single/{index}", GetSingle); app.MapGet("/animals/list/all", GetAll);