
Find the maximum 16-digit string for a "magic" 5-gon ring.

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Project Euler 068 - Magic 5-Gon Ring

Consider the following "magic" 3-gon ring, filled with the numbers 1 to 6, and each line adding to nine.

Ring Image

Working clockwise, and starting from the group of three with the numerically lowest external mode (4, 3, 2 in this example), each solution can be described uniquely. For example, the above solution can be described by the set: 4,3,2; 6,2,1; 5,1,3.

It is possible to complete the ring with four different totals: 9, 10, 11 and 12. There are eight solutions in total.

Total 9 - Solution Set 4,2,3; 5,3,1; 6,1,2; 4,3,2; 6,2,1; 5,1,3

Total 10 - Solution Set 2,3,5; 4,5,1; 6,1,3; 2,5,3; 6,3,1; 4,1,5

Total 11 - Solution Set 1,4,6; 3,6,2; 5,2,4; 1,6,4; 5,4,2; 3,2,6

Total 12 - Solution Set 1,5,6; 2,6,4; 3,4,5; 1,6,5; 3,5,4; 2,4,6

By concatenating each group, it is possible to form 9-digit strings, the maximum string for a 3-gon ring is 432621513.

Using the numbers 1 to 10, and depending on arrangements, it is possible to form 16- and 17-digit strings. What is the maximum 16-digit string for a "magic" 5-gon ring?

Information at Project Euler 068


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User Stories

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As a user, I expect the function magic5GonRing() to return a number.

As a user, I expect the function magic5GonRing() to return 6531031914842725.

User Stories on function magic5GonRing() taken from FreeCodeCamp - Coding Interview Prep - Project Euler 068

Information Architecture

The function magic5GonRing() returns a number.


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