Wikipedia Viewer

The purpose of the project is to provide a Wikipedia Viewer. It has a random Wikipedia Entry as well as searching Wikipedia Entries (e.g. Computing Terms such as Cell).


Wikipedia Viewer allows you to generate a random Wikipedia Entry as well as searching for Wikipedia Entries (e.g. Computing Terms such as Cell).

On the search form, enter item, term or keyword (e.g. torch), term or keyword and then select the Search Button. When the Search Button has been clicked or the enter key has been pressed, the search results appear. Clicking on the links takes you to the Wikipedia Article without leaving the web page.

The item, term or keyword has the data type of string.

When hovering over the Links, the color changes.

As a user, I can search Wikipedia Entries in the search box and see the resulting Wikipedia Entries.

As a user, I can click a button to see a random Wikipedia Entry.

Random Wikipedia Entry

Using Wikipedia API

Wireframes are supplied.


The ability to search an article (e.g. computing terms) as well as generate a random article. If I had the time, I would have a reset button to reset the searches. I would also provide invalid input, if I did not enter anything in the search box.


Uses HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap 5.0.2, JavaScript, jQuery 3.6.0, Google Fonts and Font Awesome 5.15.3.


Ensure all the user stories have been met. If I enter Torch in the Search Box and I click on the Search Button, I should get Torch, Torch (disambiguation), Operation Torch, Torch song, Swedish torch, Light the Torch, Plasma torch, Hand On The Torch, Torch (browser) and Oxy-fuel welding and cutting.


Deployed on GitHub Pages at the main branch.



Taken from Micah Akpan on GitHub for the Wikipedia Viewer Repository. Last Accessed on 7 July 2021. Also FreeCodeCamp for supplying the entry on Wikipedia API and the Random Wikipedia Entry.
