A script to setup nbgrader with Jupyterhub using the one class one grader demo. See



git clone https://github.com/derekyoungmath/nbgrader_jupyterhub_startup.git cd nbgrader_jupyterhub_startup


Initializing course

Here the instructor is jupyter-dyoung and the course is math232.

sudo ./startup.sh jupyter-dyoung math232

Press ok for the 'Pending kernel upgrade' warning. Press ok to restart 'Daemons using outdated libraries'.

Adding students to course

The following line adds students that have jupyter-hub accounts by using the default Roster.xls file provided by my.mtholyoke.edu.

sudo ./add_students.sh jupyter-dyoung math232 Roster.xls

Manually adding students

In addition to the student must being added to the course from the jupyter-hub notebook, the following lines must be run to enable the student's notebook functionality.

sudo -u jupyter-student_id /opt/tljh/user/bin/jupyter nbextension enable --user assignment_list/main --section=tree sudo -u jupyter-student_id /opt/tljh/user/bin/jupyter serverextension enable --user nbgrader.server_extensions.assignment_list