
Telegram bot that notifies you of new Ebay-Kleinanzeigen listings. You can try my hosted version at @AlertAlertAlert_bot or run it yourself with the instructions below.


Get your telegram token from @botfarther

Run with docker-compose:

    git clone https://github.com/DanielStefanK/kleinanzeigen-alert.git alert && cd alert
    nano docker-compose.yaml //replace mytoken with your obtained token
    docker-compose up

with go on your system:

    git clone https://github.com/DanielStefanK/kleinanzeigen-alert.git alert && cd alert
    export TELEGRAM_APITOKEN=mytoken //replace mytoken with your obtained token
    go get
    go run main.go


Add search

write /add {search term}, {city/zip}, {radius}, {optional max price without "€" and no decimal}?, {optional min price without "€" and no decimal}? e.g. /add bicycle, Cologne, 20 This will perform a search every minute and you will get the latest entries here.

Search lists of everything

write /list This will list all your current searches

Remove searches

write /remove {ID} You get the ID from the list command. This will delete the search and you will no longer receive messages for it.
