
Very simple report app to push timewarrior intervals to Jira Tempo

Primary LanguageGo


Simple tool to sync timewarrior reports to Jira Tempo.

Example config.ini

base_url = https://your.jira.example.com
username = <username>
token = <apitoken>


This binary needs to be installed into your Timewarrior extension folder. Either you copy this binary there or you create a symlink to ~/.timewarrior/extensions/jira-sync. See the extension docs of Timewarrior for more details.


To upload intervals as worklogs to Jira Tempo you need to add specifically formatted tags to these intervals. At minimum you need to add a tag like iss:<Ticket-ID> to the interval. Alternatively you can add a tag cotnaining a description with description:<Your Description>, but this is not necessary.

Uploading to Jira Temp can be done with timew report jira-sync :yesterday for example. See https://timewarrior.net/reference/timew-report.1/ for more details.