
Model relation option keys autocomplete

dereuromark opened this issue · 2 comments

Any idea on how to allow IDE (PHPStorm?) to autocomplete the 2nd arg for options array, the keys?

        $this->hasMany('ADmad/SocialAuth.SocialProfiles', [
            'foreignKey' => 'user_id',

These are the possible keys per type:

 * @var array<string, string>
protected array $optionKeys = [
	'\\' . self::CLASS_TABLE . '::belongsTo' => [
	'\\' . self::CLASS_TABLE . '::hasOne' => [
	'\\' . self::CLASS_TABLE . '::hasMany' => [
	'\\' . self::CLASS_TABLE . '::belongToMany' => [

Maybe a custom IDE plugin could help? With e.g. similar syntax for array shapes PHPStan/Psalm use?

     * @param array{
     *   className: string,
     *   targetTable: string,
     *   foreignKey: string,
     *   webroot: string,
     *   dependent: bool,
     *   cascadeCallbacks: bool,
     *   conditions: array,
     *   sort: array,
     *   saveStrategy: string,
     *   finder: string,
     *   sourceTable: string
     * } $options List of options to configure the association definition
    public function hasMany(string $associated, array $options = []): HasMany

seems to work for autocomplete, but that list makes it finite in options afaik, and there could always be more (valid) keys.
That syntax doesnt then quite work I guess.

It also makes the docblock line super loong, Would be nice if there was a way outside of the param docblock line directly.

Also, PHPStan doesnt like it:

1161 Default value of the parameter # 2 $options (array{}) of method Cake\ORM\Table::hasMany() is incompatible with type array{className: string, targetTable: string, foreignKey: string, webroot: string, dependent: bool,
cascadeCallbacks: bool, conditions: array, sort: array, ...}.
💡 Array does not have offset 'className'.