- 9
In PHPStan 1.12.0 with bleeding edge generated annotations @method for tables are reported
#353 opened by Harfusha - 11
Complex type, that exists in property is added again
#354 opened by Harfusha - 5
- 2
Model relation option keys autocomplete
#346 opened by dereuromark - 7
- 5
- 1
Cake5: Typed property access bug
#340 opened by dereuromark - 0
Investigate new meta features
#271 opened by dereuromark - 0
Plugin model annotations
#334 opened by dereuromark - 4
Use of an alternative datasource file
#300 opened by wp4nuv - 1
Commands in the Docs are in the wrong order
#329 opened by jubbs - 1
4.x: Routes $routes annotation skipping
#330 opened by dereuromark - 0
- 1
- 3
- 1
Cake5: MySQL `date` type now suddenly maps to `\Cake\I18n\Time` and not `\Cake\I18n\Date`
#318 opened by LordSimal - 0
- 1
Cake5: Infinite loop for annotate command
#311 opened by LordSimal - 2
Composer setup script : Is there a problem about return types for some functions in Controller ?
#310 opened by bouillerot - 2
[Feature request] config autocompletion
#307 opened by umer936 - 5
Clicking on a virtual field should take you to getter method instead of property annotation
#305 opened by cnizzardini - 1
Differ::__construct(): Argument #1 ($outputBuilder) must be of type SebastianBergmann\Diff\Output\DiffOutputBuilderInterface, null given,
#306 opened by umer936 - 3
- 5
- 6
- 5
- 8
- 4
Autocomplete URL arrays
#287 opened by LordSimal - 3
Annotate @route for entry points
#283 opened by vajo3694 - 2
Add phpstan/phpdoc-parser to composer.json
#279 opened by andrii-pukhalevych - 9
Template annotations get duplicated
#276 opened by LordSimal - 2
- 13
Add @uses for virtual properties
#266 opened by andrii-pukhalevych - 0
Generics in templates not recognized
#274 opened by dereuromark - 6
Annotations are added before `declare(strict_types=1);` causing syntax errors in .ctp file
#269 opened by Spriz - 1
- 0
ConsoleIo::helper() generate
#262 opened by dereuromark - 4
PHPStorm Meta File generation fails: "Call to undefined method ReflectionUnionType::getName()"
#263 opened by passchn - 1
Adding inline annotations
#238 opened by dereuromark - 8
Form->execute() annotation
#257 opened by dereuromark - 1
- 4
Method with same name already defined in this class
#255 opened by LordSimal - 0
Template annotations in Twig/Blade
#254 opened by dereuromark - 1
Cell autocomplete
#247 opened by dereuromark - 6
annotate() respect application namespace
#243 opened by tbelknapsgs - 2
- 4
- 3
- 2
Allow using --ci flag on individual annotators
#230 opened by ekisu - 2
Entity field annotations.
#232 opened by andrii-pukhalevych