Get Google api access token using an electron window to let the user authorize the app.
npm install --save electron-gauth
import electronGoogleOauth from 'electron-gauth';
const browserWindowParams = {
'use-content-size': true,
center: true,
show: false,
resizable: false,
'always-on-top': true,
'standard-window': true,
'auto-hide-menu-bar': true,
'node-integration': false
const googleOauth = electronGoogleOauth(browserWindowParams);
( async () => {
// retrieve authorization code only
const authCode = await googleOauth.getAuthorizationCode(
// retrieve access token and refresh token
const result = await googleOauth.getAccessToken(
Build the app, then run it:
npm run build && electron dist/bin.js --scopes 'SCOPES' --clientId 'CLIENTID' --clientSecret 'CLIENTSECRET' --redirectUri 'REDIRECTURI'
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2015 Andrea Parodi Copyright (c) 2018 Milo Thompson