
Leightweight glibc socket API interceptor

Primary LanguageCThe UnlicenseUnlicense


Simple tool for Linux/glibc hooking into socket API functions. This is currently only an incomplete stub.


$ LD_PRELOAD=path/to/socket_hook.so [enivronment options] target_binary

Environment variables controlling the behavior:

  • SH_SOCKET=$mode: limit the socket domains which may be created, were $mode may be one of
    • none: no sockets can be created (will break all X11 applications usually)
    • local: only local sockets (AF_UNIX and AF_LOCAL) may be created
    • all: all sockets may be created (the default)
  • SH_VERBOSE=$level: control level of verbosity (0 to 5)
  • SH_VERBOSE_FILE=$file: redirect verbose output to $file (default is to use standard error stream), see section File Names for details about how the file name is parsed


Whenever an output file name is specified, special run-time information can be inserted in the file name to avoid overwriting previous files in complex situations (i.e. the application is using several processes). A sequence of % followed by another character is treated depending on the second character as follows:

  • p: the PID of the process
  • t: the current timestamp as <seconds_since_epoch>.<nanoseconds>
  • %: the % sign itself


This requires glibc, as we call some internal glibc functions not intended to be called. Tested with glibc-2.13 (from debian wheezy) and glibc-2.24 (from debian stretch). To build, just type

$ make

(assuming you have a C compiler and the standard libs installed). Finally copy the socket_hook.so to where you like it. For a debug build, do

$ make DEBUG=1

Have fun, derhass derhass@arcor.de