
Sets up files and folders for a Drupal 8 site – with a folder structure analog to Capistrano.

MIT LicenseMIT


This role sets up files and folders for a Drupal 8 site – with a folder structure analog to Capistrano.

The folder structure is the prerequiste for a deployment of the Drupal site with Ansible.

Rename this role to derheap.drupal-setup after cloning.

Folder structure

To enable deployments and configuration updates without affecting the running Drupal 8 site, a folder structure analog to Capistrano is used.

├── current -> /srv/www/example.com/releases/20200214101735_master
├── releases
│   ├── 20200214095316_dummy
│   ├── 20200214095847_master
│   └── 20200214101735_master
└── shared
    └── sites
        └── default
            ├── files
            └── settings.php

The shared directory holds the data to be shared with all releases – mainly the sitedirectory. The site directory is later symlinked into the current release.


All files are owned by the user in drupal_core_owner and by the group set in drupal_deploy_group. The files are writable by the group. All user who have the right to deploy must be in that group.

Only sites/default/files is writable by the the webserver. The group is set to drupal_server_group.

The Git repository is writable for all members in the group defined in drupal_deploy_group.


A settting.php file with the database connection is copied in place. The database itself is not created. If you want to use an newer or modified version of the settings.php you must provide one in the templates directory of your playbook. The template name is settings.php.j2.

Dummy release

The Ansible role sets up a dummy release with a HTML file in web, so you can test the webserver without deploying a Drupal site.


  • The user running the playbook should be in the sudo group.
  • If you init a Git repository with this role, Git must be installed.

Role Variables

When possible, the role uses variable names that are also used by other roles (mostly from Geerlingguy) to setup the server and database.

# Var from geerlingguy/ansible-role-drupal
drupal_domain: example.com

# Variables specific for this role
drupal_trusted_host_pattern: 'example\.com'
drupal_base_dir: "/srv/www/{{ drupal_domain }}"
drupal_config_folder: config/sync
drupal_deploy_create_repo: true
drupal_deploy_group: drupal
drupal_deploy_name: mydrupalproject
drupal_server_group: "www-data"
# To enable compatibility with some old installations
drupal_public_folder: "web"

# Vars from geerlingguy/ansible-role-drupal
drupal_deploy_repo: "/srv/repos/{{ drupal_deploy_name }}.git"
drupal_deploy_version: master
drupal_deploy_dir: "{{ drupal_base_dir }}/current"
drupal_core_path: "{{ drupal_deploy_dir }}/{{ drupal_public_folder }}"
drupal_core_owner: "{{ ansible_ssh_user | default(ansible_env.SUDO_USER, true) | default(ansible_env.USER, true) | default(ansible_user_id) }}"
drupal_core_owner_become: true

drupal_db_user: drupal
drupal_db_password: drupal
drupal_db_name: drupal
drupal_db_backend: mysql
drupal_db_host: ""

drupal_install_profile : standard

Example Playbook

- hosts: myserver
  gather_facts: True
  become: true
  remote_user: myuser

  - vars/drupal.yml

    - { role: geerlingguy.git }
    - { role: derheap.drupal-setup }

Contents of vars/drupal.yml:

drupal_domain: example.com
drupal_trusted_host_pattern: 'example\.com'
drupal_base_dir: "/srv/www/{{ drupal_domain }}"

drupal_deploy_group: deploy
drupal_deploy_name: exampleproject

drupal_db_user: drupal
drupal_db_password: drupal
drupal_db_name: drupal
drupal_db_backend: mysql

Role Defaults

# Var from geerlingguy/ansible-role-drupal
drupal_domain: example.com

# Variables specific for this role
# drupal_trusted_host_pattern: # Not set
drupal_base_dir: "/srv/www/{{ drupal_domain }}"
drupal_config_folder: config/sync
drupal_deploy_create_repo: true
drupal_deploy_group: drupal
drupal_deploy_name: mydrupalproject
drupal_server_group: "www-data"
# To enable compatibility with some old installations
drupal_public_folder: "web"

# Vars from geerlingguy/ansible-role-drupal
drupal_deploy_repo: "/srv/repos/{{ drupal_deploy_name }}.git"
drupal_deploy_version: master
drupal_deploy_dir: "{{ drupal_base_dir }}/current"
drupal_core_path: "{{ drupal_deploy_dir }}/{{ drupal_public_folder }}"
drupal_core_owner: "{{ ansible_ssh_user | default(ansible_env.SUDO_USER, true) | default(ansible_env.USER, true) | default(ansible_user_id) }}"
drupal_core_owner_become: true

# drupal_db_user: # Not set
# drupal_db_password: # Not set
# drupal_db_name: # Not set
drupal_db_backend: mysql
drupal_db_host: ""

drupal_install_profile : standard


The role is based on code from Servergroove – a role to deploy Symfony apps.