
A random generator for old school fantasy rpgs.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


ABANDONED: As is probably obvious, I am no longer working on this project. But I did create the rpg-table-randomizer a javascript module for handling randomization, name generation, and npc creation. I've also been working on hadleyville-online an online version of a rules-light rpg I made that uses a lot of these ideas. Also character-sheet-app a webapp for character sheets.

A random generator for old school fantasy rpgs.

Online version at: http://derikb.github.io/osr-random-generator/

It has a few related functions that are in varying states of development.

  1. Random tables: View and roll on random tables. You can add your own tables from the very simple to the rather complex. You can create new tables with plain text, html, or use a more complicated JSON object.

  2. NPC generator: Creates NPCs (though I guess they could also be quickstart PCs) for Lamentations of the Flame Princess or Labyrinth Lord rules (though they could be easily used for other OSR type games, and there is some Swords & Wizardry support).

  3. Dungeon Stocking: Using the Moldvay dungeon stocking rules, Labyrinth Lord monster stats and treasure hoards, trap tables from Courtney Campbell, and special results from Roger S.G. Sorolla. It will generate results for Dungeon rooms. Might not be super helpful for actual use, but I'm hoping to improve this later.

  4. Wilderness Hex Generation: Put in a terrain type and it will generate hex dressing and encounters of various sorts. Primarily meant as a pre-session prep in case your PCs head off into an unplanned wilderness, or as a way to add some extra flavor to travel. Still very much in progress (needs more encounter tables and a way to customize them).

  5. Name Generator: Select names from various nationality lists (and a couple fantasy ones) or generate new names that are like the real names.

  6. Mission Generator: Simple framework for creating goal-based adventures.

Install on a Desktop or Laptop

  • Click the "Download ZIP" button at right to get a zip file of the app.
  • Unzip the file ("osr-random-generator-master.zip") on your computer (most of the time, just double click and your computer should know what to do).
  • Find the new folder that was made (should be called: "osr-random-generator-master").
  • Open the "index.html" file in your browser (Chrome is preferred and the only one I've really tested, Firefox should work as a second best option).
  • Give it a try.
  • If you save settings/characters they will be saved in your browser's local storage (so be careful when clearing data from your browser).
  • Let me know if you have trouble or feature suggestions.

Install on a Phone or Tablet

  • The web version should work fine on mobile devices.
  • I'm working on getting the code ported to work on Android and iPhone to make it easier to use at the table.
  • I have successfully tested a demo of the Android version.


  • Use the Settings tab to set some parameters and defaults. These will be saved in your browser, so will "stick" as long as you don't clear your browser data.
  • Use the Random Tables tab to roll results on tables or to choose from the tables.
    • Click on tags to filter the list. Click on the x icon next to the current filter to show all tables again.
  • The Create Tables tab let's you save your own tables. (See on screen help button for more details.)
  • Use the NPCs tab to create new characters. You can click on most fields to edit them (some fields that are generated exclusively from other fields cannot be edited, i.e. Attack Bonus, AC). Click the icons to save/remove/delete.
    • Assign characters to groups for sorting purposes on the "Saved Characters" list. From that list you can open the full character details (the character card will appear in the right column) or delete the character.
    • Try printing. You should only get a print-out of the characters displayed in the right column, they should be set up as 5" wide cards (it's hard to limit it to 3" height, but I was going for a 3x5 card output, maybe I can improve this later on).
  • Most of the other tabs work similar to the NPCs tab. Many fields can be clicked on to edit them.


Coding by Derik A. Badman.

Made with: jQuery, Bootstrap, Backbone (with the Local Storage adapter), and Underscore.



  • My original goal for this application was to create something that would be directly useful for me in prepping sessions for my game (we use LotFP rules), but that also might be useful during a session if something quick needs to be rolled up. I had collected so many books and pdfs and tables from various places that it was all a little overwhelming and hard to keep track of, so I thought I might be able to easily consolidate what I wanted to use in a simple way.
  • I tried to make the application without any server-based component so that it could be downloaded and run in the browser without any difficult set-up procedure. One could even run it without a network connection if all the required js libraries were downloaded locally.
  • I'm also trying to make the data elements of the app easily expandable so users can customize what tables they want to use. Unfortunately there's no simple way to take a table from a book, pdf, or blog post and make it structured enough that the application could make use of it. But if you are willing to put in some conversion time (much easier if you have a good text editor and some knowledge of regular expressions, which is how I converted all the data), it should be pretty easy to add your own tables.
  • Warning: I've only tested this in Chrome (desktop and Android tablet) and Firefox, any other browser may not work right (especially Internet Explorer). I'll do more testing later (especially for mobile).