
A simple network stack using Combine or Async/Await to perform network requests and OAuth2Token refreshing.


  • For unprotected network requests (requests that do not require a token), initialize a Network with an object that conforms to APIEnvironment. Then call request on the Network you created.

  • To perform a protected network request (requests that require an auth token of some kind), create an object that conforms to ProtectedAPIEnvironment and then initialize a Network with that environment. Then call request on the Network you created.

  • You can use the HTTPMethod enum when setting the httpMethod on the URLRequest


  • Subscribe to request<T: Codable>(_ urlRequest: URLRequest, responseAs: T.Type) on NetworkManager to perform a request. Pass in the url request and the Type you want to be returned that conforms to Codable. The publisher will publish <T, APIError>

  • You can also set the retryCount and JSONDecoder when making the request. The network manager will retry the request if it fails when trying to make the request. The JSONDecoder can be set for custom decoding of the json that will be returned from the request.

  • You can subscribe to requestIgnoringError<T: Codable>(_ urlRequest: URLRequest, responseAs: T.Type) -> AnyPublisher<T?, Never> if you wish to make a request and want to ignore any possible errors. If an error does occur then the publisher will publish nil

  • In rare cases where you need to access to the URLSession.DataTaskPublisher.Output directly, you can subscribe to perform(_ urlRequest: URLRequest) -> AnyPublisher<URLSession.DataTaskPublisher.Output, URLError> on the NetworkManager


  • guard let request = urlRequest else { return } - First create a URLRequest

  • let networkManger = Network(environment: ProtectedEnvironment()) - Initialize a Network with an object that comforms to an APIEnvironment or a ProtectedAPIEnvironment

  • self.subscriber = networkManager.request(request, responseAs: CodableObject.self) .sink(receiveCompletion: { completion in switch completion { case .failure(let error): print(error) case .finished: break } }, receiveValue: { codableObject in self.handle(codableObject) }) - Subscribe to the request and then handle the published error or decoded object


  • Call func request<T: Decodable>(_ urlRequest: URLRequest, responseAs: T.Type) async throws to perform a request. Pass in the url request and the Type you want to be returned that conforms to Codable. The request will decode the response for you.

  • In the case where you need access to the (Data, URLResponse) then call perform(_ urlRequest: URLRequest) async throws


  • guard let request = urlRequest else { return } - First create a URLRequest

  • let networkManger = Network(environment: ProtectedEnvironment()) - Initialize a Network with an object that comforms to an APIEnvironment or a ProtectedAPIEnvironment

  • do { let object = try await networkManager.request(request, responseAs: CodableObject.self) } catch { handle(error) }

    • await for the decoded object in a do/catch block to handle any possible errors