An iOS app with time tracking
###Step 1: Create the list view controller
- Either in Pomodoro or in a new app create a new list view controller
- Add it to the tab, or to the window's rootViewController inside of a navigation controller
###Step 2: Setting up a tableViewDatasource
- Create a new datasource object (ListTableViewDatasource subclass of NSObject)
- Add the tableViewDatasource protocol required methods (cellForRow, and numberOfRows)
- Add a datasource property to your list viewcontroller (strong)
- Initialize the datasource in the init method
- Add a tableview property to list viewcontroller
- Initialize the tableview and add it to the viewcontroller's view
- Set the datasource to your datasource property
###Step 3: Create a model and model controller
- See "Entries" for a sample project
- Create a Project class with necessary properties
- Create an Entry class with necessary properties
- Create a ProjectController singleton class (add the instanceType method)
- The project controller should hold an array of Projects
- You'll need an "AddProject" and "RemoveProject" method
- Each project should hold an array of Entries
- You'll need an "AddEntry" and "RemoveEntry" method
- You'll need methods that convert the objects to and from dictionaries
- (This allows you to store the model in NSUserDefaults)
- Now you can use the ProjectController for the row count and row value for the tableView
- Use the project title for the cell label
###Step 4: Add a detail view controller
- Create a detail view controller with an XIB file
- Add a textField for the title
- Add a label to show the total time
- Add a tableview to show the list of entries
- Add a toolbar for an Add, Check In, Check Out, and Report button
- Add those objects as properties on the view
- Wire them up
- Add a method for each button
- Add
- Clock In
- Clock Out
- Report
###Step 5: Add textField delegate methods to capture the title
- Add the textFieldShould return method to dismiss the Keyboard
- Add a textFieldShouldEndEditing method to store the text of the field as the project title
- Wire files owner as the delegate of the text field in the XIB file
###Step 6: Add a datasource for the tableview
- Create a new datasource object (DetailTableViewDatasource subclass of NSObject)
- Add the tableViewDatasource protocol required methods (cellForRow, and numberOfRows)
- Add a datasource property to your detail viewcontroller (strong)
- Initialize the datasource in the init method
- Add a tableview property to detail viewcontroller and wire it up
- Set the datasource to your datasource property
###Step 7: Show a list of entries
- Add a public Project property to the detail view controller
- In the didSelectRow method in the ListViewController set the DetailViewController's Project property as the project in the ProjectController's project list at the index selected
- Add a public Project property to the detailTableViewDatasource
- In the viewDidLoad method of the detailViewController set the datasource's project property to
- NumberOfRows should be equal to number of entries
- Set the cell's textLabel.text to the entry's start and end date
- Feel free to format them if you'd like it to look pretty
###Step 8: Add a Clock In and Clock Out method to the Project object
- Add a method "startNewEntry"
- In that method create a new entry, and set the start time to now
- Store that entry as a "currentEntry" property
- Add a method "endCurrentEntry"
- In that method set the end time of "currentEntry to now
- Call those methods when the user selects clockIn or clockOut
- Be sure to reload the tableview's data
###Step 9: Create a custom entry screen
- Create a new CustomEntryViewController with an XIB file
- Add a fake navigation bar
- Add a cancel and save button and a title
- Wire up the cancel and save buttons to IBActions cancel and save
- Add date pickers and title labels
- Add two date pickers and wire them up to startDatePicker and endDatePicker IBOutlet properties
- Add two labels "Start Date" and "End Date" above the pickers to show which is which (they don't need to be wired)
- In the save method create a new entry and set the start and end times from the picker views
- In both the save and cancel method call "dismissViewController"
- In the "add" method of the DetailViewController instantiate a customEntryViewController and call "presentViewController" to show it
###Step 10: Add reporting
- Add the MessageUI library to your project
- In the report method instantiate a MFMailComposeViewController
- Create a string of all of the entry times (loop through the entries and append the times to the string)
- Set the message string as the messageBody of the viewController
- Call presentViewController on the mailComposeViewController