SCRIPT - Smart ChaRging Infrastructure Planning Tool


    webserver/                  ---- Django REST Framework web server
        app/                    ---- settings
        script/                 ---- script web app
    frontend/                   ---- React
        src/                    ---- source code
    s3watch/                    ---- Watch the algorithm results, trigger endpoint to update db
    ec2setup/                   ---- code running on EC2
    utils/                      ---- Utils which can be copied by all images during image build
            terraform/          ---- terraform configuration
        upload/                 ---- shell/python script to split raw data and upload
        mosek/                  ---- mosek license
    docker-compose.yml          ---- Docker compose config
    variable.env                ---- Configuration for environment variables                      ---- One-key script to start the whole project

Get SCRIPT Running Locally

I used anaconda to manage my environment. However, you can easily replicate this with virtualenv. Docker instructions are below...

# install postgres first to avoid headaches
brew install postgresql
# to start the DB you can just:
brew services start postgresql

# create the needed environemnt
conda create -n venv_script python=3.7
conda activate venv_script
# install the backend dependencies
cd webserver
pip install -r requirements.txt
# other parts of the project requires other dependencies....
# instead of going through them and figuring out that you need those dependencies
# when your code breaks, just install them now:
pip install celery pandas cvxpy sklearn
# install the frontend dependencies
cd ../frontend
yarn install

Make sure you have postgres installed locally.

Create a database named scriptdb - I used TablePlus to create a DB with that name on my localhost. You can easily achieve the same thing via the cmd line. Also, connection params for development are the postgres defaults. You can also check the settings file to find them: webserver/app/settings/

# migrate the DB
cd webserver
python migrate --settings=app.settings.base

Running the project:

cd webserver
# project assumes localhost:8000 - which should be the default
python runserver --settings=app.settings.base
cd ../frontend
yarn start 

Your browser should launch automatically and point to localhost:3000

(OLD) How To Run

Install Docker

  1. install docker and docker-compose

Install Terraform and Configure AWS

  1. install aws cli and terraform
  2. configure ./variables.env and please make sure the resource names will not conflict with existing resources

Generate Key Pair

  1. generate ssh key pair(pem) with the key name of script and download the key
  2. copy it to ./utils/aws/terraform/
  3. enter ./utils/aws/terraform/ and run chmod 400 script.pem

Set Up Python Environment

  1. pip install paramiko
  2. pip install pytz

Run the Application

  • Run with existing AWS resources which are properly configured
    • Configure ./variables.env with existing resources
    • EC2 instance and S3 bucket: python -i <ec2_ip> -d <db_host>
  • Launch new resources and run: python
  • For more help: python --help