This is vim plugin for replacing matched pattern strings with register strings(separated by delimiter) in order.
" Select text linewise and you can use following command
" for replacing matched pattern strings with register strings(separated by delimiter) in order.
" Replace matched pattern strings with register strings use default settings(ref. global variables).
" Same as above, but the difference is to use cycle option
:'<,'>MultiReplace --cycle
" Same as the first one, but the difference is to specify delimiter to ','
:'<,'>MultiReplace --delim=,
" Same as the first one, but the difference is to use named register 'a'
:'<,'>MultiReplace --register=a
" Same as the first one, but the difference is to use pattern '$'
:'<,'>MultiReplace --pattern=$
" Same as :'<,'>MultiReplace
:'<,'>MultiReplace --no-cycle --delim=\n --register='"'
" If you want to customize default settings,
" you can change following gloval variable.
" Following settings is default value.
" default delimiter
let g:multi_replace_delim_pattern = "\n"
" default cycle option
let g:multi_replace_cycle_replace = 0
" You can use following operator.
" This operator like :'<,'>MultiReplace (use default options).
map <Leader>r <Plug>(operator-multi-replace)
" This operator like :'<,'>MultiReplace --cycle
map <Leader>R <Plug>(operator-multi-replace-cycle)
MIT License