
This is an example *basic* controller.It allows to connect the raspberry Pi and the Arduinoand use a simple web interface to request sensor data or to toggle actions on the arduino

ArduinoPi Controller

The ArduinoPi controller is a web-based solution to control your Arduino using a RaspberryPi. The controller uses AJAX and PHP, this github demonstrates some of the possibilities. The communication between the RaspberryPi and the Arduino is possible thanks to the php_serial.class.php.

I also want to thank the following authors/scripts/plugins for making my coding easier:

Warning: Before checking out the repo, please make sure you have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, PHP and jQuery (and C++)

Basic Commands

An example of a command.
If we send this command, using the sendCommand function in PHP, the Arduino will execute analogWrite on port 6 with a value of 255.
The "@" marks the start of a command while ":" marks the end. The port value must be between 0-99 before the Arduino can switch the port (on a Mega 2560 there are around 99 ports).

Also note that only PWM ports can have values between 0-255, digital ports only accept a 0 or 255. Sending a value of 127 to a digital port will end in weird results!

Special commands

There are also a couple of special commands, but feel free to clone the repository and add your own (it's really easy!)

###Sending an RGB color Sending an RGB color to some RGB LEDs can be quite frustrating and slow if you have to send 3 basic commands.


The following command can also be send with the sendCommand function. Any value above 100 tells the Arduino we are using a special command, in this example the following 3 values represent an RGB color an can be used to switch RGB LEDS or RGB led strips.

###Requesting sensor data Sending the following code will request the an analogRead command on the desired pin.


102 indicates an Analog reading and 6 indicates the pin to do the reading on. By calling the request_sensor function an analog port can be read. The function asks for a filename and the specific analog port. The php function will then request the value and write it with a date stamp in a json file. This file can be read by jQuery and the result is displayed.

##More Information More information on how to connect the Raspberry Pi with the Arduino and how everything works can be found on my blog: fritz-hut.
Code is free for all to be used, copied, changed, edited and deleted. I only ask a simpel link to my blog if you use my code :)