
A set of docker-compose files and scripts to make it easy to deploy OpenSalt

Primary LanguageMakefileMIT LicenseMIT


This repository holds a set of scripts that can be used to bring up an instance of OpenSALT.


  • Ensure docker and docker-compose are installed

  • Clone this repository

  • Copy .env.dist to .env

  • Update .env as desired

  • Create a volume for the mysql data using docker volume create --name=opensalt-mysql-data (replacing opensalt with the value of COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME in .env if changed)

  • Run make up to start OpenSALT

  • Wait 30 seconds or so to allow the database to warm up

  • Run make migrate to set up the database

  • Run bin/console salt:org:add to create your first organisation

  • Run bin/console salt:user:add to create your first user

  • Get IP address of web container using docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' opensalt_web_1 (replacing opensalt with the value of COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME in .env if changed)

  • Go to http://<IP of container>/ to get to the initial page