
Reloads Adobe CEP Extensions

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Completely reloads your Adobe CEP Extensions with just a click!

Getting started

These instructions tell you how you can install the plugin to Adobe Premiere


  1. Enable loading of unsigned extensions as described here (for a detailed tutorial click here)
  2. Of course, you have to add another extension to test the plugin (click here for a tutorial) if you haven't already
  3. You have to download npm from its site (follow the instructions here) If you don't already have the programm


  1. Download the zip of the repository, unzip it and paste it into your extension folder whose location you can find out here
  2. (Optional) rename the project folder to CEPReloader (that looks better but technically changes nothing)
  3. To add your extension(s) that should be reloaded, you have to change the file client/reloadable.json as follows:
        "EXTENSION_ID": {
          "automatic_reload": false
          "automatic_reload": false
    • EXTENSION_ID has to be changed to your extension-id as you should have set it in MyExtension/CSXS/manifest.xml where MyExtension is the folder of your extension
    • If you have two or more extensions that you want to reload, add them as it was done with ANOTHER_EXTENSION_ID
  4. Open a terminal or console (depends on whether you are using Unix or Windows) and head with it to CEPReloader/client where CEPReloader is the folder where you've installed this extension (in my case C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CEPReloader\client) and run these commands:
    npm install chokidar --save
    npm install xml2js
    afterwards you can close the terminal/console
  5. In your own extension you have to insert the following code somewhere after the cs (CSInterface) was initialized:
    <script type="text/javascript">
       cs.addEventListener(cs.getExtensionID(), function(event) {
           let confirmEvent = new CSEvent(event.extensionId, event.scope, cs.getApplicationID(),                       cs.getExtensionID());
           confirmEvent.data = 'ok';
  6. (Re)start Premiere and head to Windows -> Extensions -> CEPReloader


If you took the example from Prerequisites, your MyProject/index.html-file should look as follows:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- This document forms the dockable panel. The button is the <input> tag below. The <style> formats the button. 

		The extendscript is called through the <script type="text/javascript"> tag, which then routes it to use the adobe_cep_.evalScript to interpret that Javascript into Extendscript -->

<html lang="en">
		<meta charset="utf-8">
		<title>GIVE YOUR PANEL A TITLE</title>
		<script src="./lib/CSInterface.js"></script>
		<script type="text/javascript">
		const cs = new CSInterface;
		    function runAll() {
			body {
				background-color: #262626;
				color: #f5f5f5;
				text-align: center;
			input {
				display: block;
				margin: auto;
				max-width: 100%;
		<button id="runButton" onclick="runAll()" type="run">CHANGE TEXT HERE!!</button>


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project