
A small Promise-based client for executing FHEM commands via FHEMWEB, supporting SSL, Basic Auth and CSRF Token.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

A small Promise-based client for executing FHEM commands via FHEMWEB, supporting SSL, Basic Auth and CSRF Token.
Uses Node.js http or https module, depending on the protocol specified in the URL; no further dependencies.

It provides the methods execCmd, execPerlCode and callFn to interact with FHEM.
See the full documentation for details.


  • 0.1.9: Fixed tsc error "Cannot find module 'src/logger-iface' or its corresponding type declarations" when compiling a project that imports fhem-client.
  • 0.1.8: FhemClient.callFn now accepts boolean args.
  • 0.1.4:
    • Retry on error via
      • Property Options.retryIntervals of options param of FhemClient.constructor.
      • Property FhemClient.expirationPeriod
    • Specify agent options via property Options.agentOptions of options param of FhemClient.constructor.
    • Uses the same socket for each request.
    • Type definitions (.d.ts) included.
    • Completely rewritten in TypeScript, targeting ES2020.
  • 0.1.2: Specify request options for http[s].get via property Options.getOptions of options param of FhemClient.constructor.
    Especially useful to set a request timeout. There is a built-in timeout, but that's pretty long.
    FYI: Setting RequestOptions.timeout merely generates an event when the specified time has elapsed, but we actually abort the request.
  • 0.1.1: Added specific error codes instead of just 'EFHEMCL'.




import FhemClient = require('fhem-client');


const FhemClient = require('fhem-client');


const fhemClient = new FhemClient(
        url: 'https://localhost:8083/fhem',
        username: 'thatsme',
        password: 'topsecret',
        getOptions: { timeout: 2000 }

fhemClient.expirationPeriod = 20000;

async function example()
	await fhemClient.execCmd('get hub currentActivity')
			result => console.log('Current activity:', result),
			// Like below, but in plain JS.
			// You may also write it like this in TS with the following directive for @typescript-eslint, in case you are using it:
			// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access, @typescript-eslint/restrict-template-expressions
			e => console.log(`Error: Message: ${e.message}, code: ${e.code}`)

	await fhemClient.execPerlCode('join("\n", map("Device: $_, type: $defs{$_}{TYPE}", keys %defs))')
			(result: string) => console.log(`Your devices:\n${result}`),
			// This is correct TS code:
		// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access
			(e: Error) => console.log(`Error: Message: ${e.message}, code: ${(e as any).code as string}`)

	// Notify your companion device that your server application is shutting down
	// by calling its function 'serverEvent' with arguments <device hash>, 'ServerStateChanged', 'ShuttingDown'.
	await fhemClient.callFn('myDevice', 'serverEvent', true, false, 'ServerStateChanged', 'ShuttingDown');

void example()