
A Ghetto Multi Thread/Process Task Runner

Primary LanguagePython


NaughtyBoy (nB) was created to make it easy to generate system or network traffic for testing purposes. This is super alpha... probably don't use it.


nB takes a YAML configuration file that looks like:

# seconds to sleep in-between iterations (to check on threads/processes)
sleep: 1

# commands to run before naughtyboy is started (i.e. for docker)
    - 'apt-get install curl'

# commands to run (forever)
    - 'curl http://vhost1.example.com'
    - 'curl http://vhost2.example.com ; sleep 5'

Run With Python

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

$ python setup.py develop

$ python naughtyboy.py run commands.yml
Thread #0: curl -s http://vhost1.example.com/
Thread #1: curl -s http://vhost2.example.com/ ; sleep 5
Thread #0: curl -s http://vhost1.example.com/
Thread #0: curl -s http://vhost1.example.com/
Thread #0: curl -s http://vhost1.example.com/
Thread #0: curl -s http://vhost1.example.com/
Thread #0: curl -s http://vhost1.example.com/
Thread #1: curl -s http://vhost2.example.com/ ; sleep 5

By default, nB runs commands via threads, but can use processes as well:

$ python naughtyboy.py run commands.yml -m process
Process #0: curl -s http://vhost1.example.com/
Process #1: curl -s http://vhost2.example.com/ ; sleep 5
Process #0: curl -s http://vhost1.example.com/
Process #0: curl -s http://vhost1.example.com/
Process #0: curl -s http://vhost1.example.com/
Process #0: curl -s http://vhost1.example.com/
Process #0: curl -s http://vhost1.example.com/
Process #1: curl -s http://vhost2.example.com/ ; sleep 5

Run With Docker

$ docker run -it -v /path/to/commands.yml:/app/commands.yml derks/naughtyboy

Or build it:

$ docker build -t naughtyboy:dev .

$ docker run -it -v /path/to/commands.yml:/app/commands.yml naughtyboy:dev