
Homepage of Pyvo (Czech Python user group) meetups / Domovská stránka Pyvo srazů

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The pyvo.cz website

This is the code that runs pyvo.cz, the directory of Czech Python meetups. You're welcome to help with development.


To install, create and activate a virtualenv:

python3 -m venv pyvocz-env
. pyvocz-env/bin/activate
pip install -U pip wheel

Then install with:

pip install -e git+https://github.com/pyvec/pyvo.cz#egg=pyvocz

Alternatively, if you've cloned the repository, run this in your copy:

pip install -e .

(Nothing should depend on the pyvocz module, so it's not on PyPI.)


Then, run with:

python -m pyvocz --debug

Note that this will pull the data from https://github.com/pyvec/pyvo-data on first run. For other options, see python -m pyvocz --help.

For deployment configuration, see app.py.


To test, you'll need some additional dependencies. From the source directory, do:

pip install -e ".[test]"

Then, you can test with:

python -m pytest test_pyvocz/