
View and edit your JSON data in the browser, With Python API and CLI.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Quickly View and Edit any JSON data.


When working with JSON data, You often need to get a structured view of the JSON in order to be able to work with it. There's an online tool https://jsoneditoronline.org/ which I used for this, but copying/pasting all the time got frustrating pretty quickly, This is why I created this package which you can launch right from Python or from the command line.



pip install jsoneditor

Python example

In python you can simply import jsoneditor and call the editjson function, the first argument is going to be the data. See Formats you can pass the JSON as for all the formats you can pass the JSON in. See Python api for a full list of addtional arguments that you can pass to editjson.

import requests
import jsoneditor

data = requests.get('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/comments').json()

Command line example

From the command line you can either pass the data as an argument as so:

jsoneditor '{"Hey": "Hi"}'

Or you can pipe it in like so:

curl https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/comments | jsoneditor

Or you can use what you have in your clipboard like so:

jsoneditor -c

See Formats you can pass the JSON as for all the formats you can pass the JSON in.

Refer to CLI options for a list of all cli options. Alternatively you can run jsoneditor --help from your terminal to see it.

Formats you can pass the JSON as

You can pass the json in any of the following formats:

  • as valid json string. Example: {"Hey": "Hi"}
  • as a python dict. Example: {'Hey': 'hi'}
  • as a url the points to valid json. Example: https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/comments
  • as a file path that is valid json. Example: data.json

Python Api

parameter type optional description
data Any The data in any of these formats.
callback callable ✔️ If you provide this argument you will have a ✅ button which will trigger this callback.
options dict ✔️ Options to pass the the jsoneditor object. See here
additional_js str ✔️ You can pass some JavaScript to run on the client side. You can interact with the editor by accessing the window.editor variable.
keep_running bool ✔️ Whether to keep the server running. Defaults to False.
run_in_thread bool ✔️ Whether to run the server in a separate thread. Defaults to False.
is_csv bool ✔️ Whether the data is csv data. Defaults to False.
is_yaml bool ✔️ Whether the data is yaml data. Defaults to False.
is_ndjson bool ✔️ Whether the data is Newline Delimited JSON . Defaults to False.
is_js_object bool ✔️ Whether the data is a JavaScript Object. Defaults to False.
title str ✔️ A title to display in the browser.
port int ✔️ specify which port to use.

CLI options

parameter description
data The data in any of these formats
-o Add a button that will output the json back to the console
-b Keep running in background
-c Get JSON input from clipboard
-k Keep alive
-e Edit mode
-n Don't launch browser
-p Server port
--out File to output when in edit mode
-t Title to display in browser window
--csv Input is CSV
--yaml Input is YAML
--js Input is a JavaScript Object
--ndjson Input is Newline Delimited JSON


python setup.py sdist
