
tools for analysis of diffraction images and large-scale image data processing

Primary LanguagePython


-- Library of Korrelated Intensity tools (still thinking of a better name...)

###About LOKI is a functional group of tools useful for doing angular correlations on SACLA MPCCD detector images.

Typically, our group (Doniach group / stanford Univeristy / Applied Physics) will

  • Interpolate the MPCCD images to form polar images
  • Parameterize the polar images
  • Correlate the difference of selected polar images (this minimizes artifactual detector signals)

###Analysis flow Consider you have a SACLA h5 file (converted on the SACLA servers using the in-house SACLA DataConvert program). Typically this file will consist of all the exposures in an experimental run R.

Then, a typical workflow will look like:

  1. Use the function process_sacla.interpolate_run to convert SACLA h5 files into Loki-style polar image h5 files. Examples of how to go from SACLA h5 files to Loki-style files can be found in the tutorial pdf.

  2. Use make_db.MakeDatabase to parameterize the experimental run R. Requires Loki-style polar image file as input. Makes a Loki-style pandas database.

  3. Use make_tag_pairs.MakeTagPairs to group exposures. Requires Loki-style pandas database.

  4. Use cor_tag_pairs.CorTagPairs to record exposure difference and compute the so-called difference correlations. Requires all outputs from steps 1-3.


originator: Derek Mendez

contact: dermendarko@gmail.com

Doniach group Stanford applied physics