
tsv2ctfs code R

Primary LanguageR

The tsv2ctfs repository


  • starter.R
    • A function which loads all of the pre-computed data
  • CTFS_extensions.R
    • Loads the prepGrowth function
    • This filters the HIPPNET data so it can be used with the CTFSRPackage growth functions (see below)
  • tsvctfsR.R
    • Sourcing this file will load the function tsv2ctfs which is used for converting TSV files into the CTFS style R dataframes described here
    • This repo comes with pre-computed R dataframes which are saved in the subdirectories within, therefore tsv2ctfsR should only be executed when the databases are updated
  • helper/CTFS_helper.R
    • contains functions used by tsv2ctfsR.R
  • helper/biomass.R
    • Contains functions and info for computing the above-ground biomass of each tree.
    • If you add a tree species to any census, this file will need to be updated
  • CTFSRPackage.rdata
    • contains all of the CTFS R functions
  • CTFSRPackage/
    • Source code for the R functions, in case you want to modify any of them. Note, you should give new names to functions which are modified
  • full/
    • Contains the main stem data frames described here
  • stem/
    • Contains the all-stem dataframes described here
  • split/
    • Contains the data frames wplit into lists according to species. These are used by some CTFSRPackage functions.
    • The CTFSRPackage function used to compute them is split.data
  • species/
    • Contains the species dataframes described here
  • elev/
    • Contains the elevation dataframes described here
  • data/
    • Contains all of the data files. There are three kinds
      • master TSV files
      • taxonomy TSV files
      • elevation TSV files
    • Navigate to each file within the github website to preview it. The column naming schemes here are ESSENTIAL.
    • We are currenty lacking elevation data for Palamanui

Loading the pre-computed HIPPNET data into R

  1. Download th tsv2ctfs repo here, or using the Download Zip button to the right.
  2. Unzip and move the folder tsv2ctfs to a convenient location.
  3. Open the R terminal and execute the following commands to source the beststarter.R file
# on my computer I unzipped the folder in /Users/mender/CTFS/treelover/, hence
> pathToStarter = "/Users/mender/CTFS/treelover/tsv2ctfs/starter.R"
# if for some reason you do no know your path, you can use
> getwd()
[1] "/Users/mender"
# to see the basic structure onf your computer and go from there
# If you really are struggling with this, you should read up on directory paths, but in the meantime try
> pathToStarter = list.files(path = normalizePath("~"), pattern = "starter.R", recursive = TRUE)
> pathToStarter
[1] "CTFS/starter.R"                    "CTFS/treelover/tsv2ctfs/starter.R"
[3] "CTFS/tsv2ctfs/starter.R" 
> pathToStarter = sapply( pathToStarter, normalizePath, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
> pathToStarter
[1] "/Users/mender/CTFS/starter.R"                    "/Users/mender/CTFS/treelover/tsv2ctfs/starter.R"
[3] "/Users/mender/CTFS/tsv2ctfs/starter.R"  
# and select the one you just unzipped
> pathToStarter = pathToStarter[2]

The list.files command should work on Mac and Linux, but I am not sure if it will work on Windows... Anyhow, once you have the path, source it:

# be sure to change directories, as the starter.R will in turn source some files
> source( pathToStarter,chdir=TRUE )
    Loading the CTFS-R package tools....

    Eelvation data for Palamanui is currently missing...

    loaded dataframe: Laupahoehoe.full1 
    loaded dataframe: Laupahoehoe.full5 
    loaded dataframe: Palamanui.full1 
    loaded dataframe: Palamanui.full5 
    loaded dataframe: Laupahoehoe.stem1 
    loaded dataframe: Laupahoehoe.stem5 
    loaded dataframe: Palamanui.stem1 
    loaded dataframe: Palamanui.stem5 
    loaded dataframe: Laupahoehoe.split1 
    loaded dataframe: Laupahoehoe.split5 
    loaded dataframe: Palamanui.split1 
    loaded dataframe: Palamanui.split5 
    loaded dataframe: Laupahoehoe.spptable 
    loaded dataframe: Palamanui.spptable 
    loaded dataframe: Laupahoehoe.elev 

Now you have loaded all of the dataframes, and can start using the CTFS R Package functions.

Converting TSV files to CTFS dataframes using tsv2ctfs

The main HIPPNET database files are stored in the data/ subfolder. They are in tab-delimited (TSV) format. These files must be processed into R style dataframes to be used with the CTFS R package. This process has already been done, so you do not need to do this unless the files in data/ are changed or updated.

The first step is to source the file tsv2ctfsR.R:

# adjust for your computer directories
> source( '/Users/mender/CTFS/treelover/tsv2ctfs/tsv2ctfsR.R',  chdir=TRUE)

Now you have loaded the tsv2ctfs function , which you can see with the ls function.

It has the following usage:


  • plotName: prefix that will be applied to all of the ctfs R data files
  • master_fileName: tsv version of the master dataset (use excel to open the xlsx files and save as tsv, then put in the data/ subfolder)
  • taxonomy_fileName: tsv version of the taxoomy info (see existing file data/Laupahoehoe_taxonomy.txt for template)
  • elevation_fileName: tsv version of the elevation data for the plot (should be on a regular 2d grid spanning the plot (see data/Laupahoehoe_master.txt)
  • forest: must be either 'wet' or 'dry'. It is a selector for different tree height and biomass models

For now, any fileNames you pass to tsv2ctfs should be the basname only (e.g. file.txt and not /path/to/file.txt), and the files should be stored in the /data sub-folder.

Assume I have corrected the master TSV file for Palamanui and saved it in the same location with the same name. I want to now re-compute th Palamanui dataframes, so I would run

> tsv2ctfs(plotName='Palamanui',master_fileName="Palamanui_master.txt",taxonomy_fileName='Palamanui_taxonomy.txt',forest='dry')
    Calculating above ground biomass (if you have a weak computer this might take some time) ...
    Making full,stem, and split dataframes for census number 1...
    Making full,stem, and split dataframes for census number 5...
    Making taxonomy dataframe...
    If warnings are thrown because directories already exist, disregard.
Warning messages:
1: In dir.create(fullDir) :
  '/Users/mender/CTFS/treelover/tsv2ctfs/full' already exists
2: In dir.create(stemDir) :
  '/Users/mender/CTFS/treelover/tsv2ctfs/stem' already exists
3: In dir.create(speciesDir) :
  '/Users/mender/CTFS/treelover/tsv2ctfs/species' already exists
4: In dir.create(splitDir) :
  '/Users/mender/CTFS/treelover/tsv2ctfs/split' already exists
5: In dir.create(elevDir) :
  '/Users/mender/CTFS/treelover/tsv2ctfs/elev' already exists

If you want you want to instead make a separate dataframe, simply change the plotName parameter. For example,

> tsv2ctfs(plotName='PalaTest',master_fileName="Palamanui_master.txt",taxonomy_fileName='Palamanui_taxonomy.txt',forest='dry')
    Calculating above ground biomass (if you have a weak computer this might take some time) ...
    Making full,stem, and split dataframes for census number 1...
    Making full,stem, and split dataframes for census number 5...
    Making taxonomy dataframe...
    If warnings are thrown because directories already exist, disregard.
Warning messages:
1: In dir.create(fullDir) :
  '/Users/mender/CTFS/treelover/tsv2ctfs/full' already exists
2: In dir.create(stemDir) :
  '/Users/mender/CTFS/treelover/tsv2ctfs/stem' already exists
3: In dir.create(speciesDir) :
  '/Users/mender/CTFS/treelover/tsv2ctfs/species' already exists
4: In dir.create(splitDir) :
  '/Users/mender/CTFS/treelover/tsv2ctfs/split' already exists
5: In dir.create(elevDir) :
  '/Users/mender/CTFS/treelover/tsv2ctfs/elev' already exists
> list.files('/Users/mender/CTFS/treelover/tsv2ctfs/full/')
[1] "Laupahoehoe.full1.rdata" "Laupahoehoe.full5.rdata" "Palamanui.full1.rdata"  
[4] "Palamanui.full5.rdata"   "PalaTest.full1.rdata"    "PalaTest.full5.rdata" 

As you can see, additional files PalaTest.full1.rdata and PalaTest.full5.rdata were saved. Load them using the load function, e.g.

> load('/Users/mender/CTFS/treelover/tsv2ctfs/full/PalaTest.full1.rdata')
> str(PalaTest.full1)
'data.frame':	14641 obs. of  21 variables:
 $ treeID   : int  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...
 $ stemID   : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
 $ tag      : chr  "5675" "5676" "5677" "5678" ...
 $ StemTag  : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
 $ sp       : chr  "PSYODO" "PSYODO" "PSYODO" "PSYODO" ...
 $ quadrat  : chr  "0305" "0305" "0305" "0305" ...
 $ gx       : num  60.8 60.6 61.4 60.8 61.2 ...
 $ gy       : num  101 101 102 103 104 ...
 $ MeasureID: int  1 9 11 15 17 19 23 27 29 31 ...
 $ CensusID : int  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ dbh      : num  1.67 1.82 2.12 1.65 19.45 ...
 $ pom      : chr  "130" "130" "130" "130" ...
 $ hom      : num  130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 ...
 $ ExactDate: chr  "2008-08-26 00:00:00" "2008-08-26 00:00:00" "2008-08-26 00:00:00" "2008-08-26 00:00:00" ...
 $ DFstatus : chr  "alive" "alive" "alive" "alive" ...
 $ codes    : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
 $ nostems  : num  4 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 6 ...
 $ status   : chr  "A" "A" "A" "A" ...
 $ date     : num  2454704 2454704 2454704 2454704 2454704 ...
 $ agb      : num  0.00316 0.00344 0.00401 0.00312 0.02593 ...
 $ RawStatus: chr  "alive" "alive" "alive" "alive" ...

Now these dataframes can be used with the CTFS R Package.

Using the prepGrowth function

It seems the CTFS website tutorials use mm as the units for DBH. You can switch from our HIPPNET cm units easily:

> Laupahoehoe.full1$dbh = 100* Laupahoehoe.full1$dbh
> Laupahoehoe.full5$dbh = 100* Laupahoehoe.full5$dbh

There is an auxiliary function called prepGrowth that was loaded when starter.R was sourced. The arguments to the function are defined as


  • censusA,censusB ( CTFS tree/full-style dataframes made with tsv2ctfs the function)
  • IMPORTANT: censusA should pre-date censusB, i.e. censusB is a recensus of censusA
  • min_delta ( minimum dbh difference between two growth years for a given tree, in same units as dbh )
  • species_filter ( a vector or species labels (e.g. CIBMEN) )
  • bad_trees ( a integrer vector of bad tree ID numbers )
  • thresh ( a threshold for outlier removal; lower thresh means more outliers removed )
  • a list of the growth-filtered censusA and censusB
  • reference each with "$censusA" and "$censusB"

The thresh (threshold) parameter is used to remove growth outliers on a per-species basis. Setting thresh=3 means all trees of species X whose dbh growth measure is more than 3 standard deviations away from the mean are thrown out. (only here we consider standrad deviation of the median, as opposed to the mean) Here is the reference to the code. See also: Boris Iglewicz and David Hoaglin (1993), "Volume 16: How to Detect and Handle Outliers", The ASQC Basic References in Quality Control: Statistical Techniques, Edward F. Mykytka, Ph.D., Editor.

Certain tree species will not be used to calculate growth. At this time we will exclude the following


from Laupahoehoe. In addition, trees with new main stems cannot be used to calculate growth:

> growthDataLau = prepGrowth(censusA=Laupahoehoe.full1, censusB=Laupahoehoe.full5, species_filter=c("CIBMEN","CIBCHA","CIBGLA"), thresh=3, min_delta=-4, bad_trees=c() )

    Beginning species-specific outlier detection...
    METPOL: removed 154 outliers (6.69 %)
    CHETRI: removed 98 outliers (3.97 %)
    BROARG: removed 15 outliers (8.24 %)
    VACCAL: removed 8 outliers (4.65 %)
    COPRHY: removed 12 outliers (2.14 %)
    ILEANO: removed 34 outliers (4.64 %)
    PIPALB: removed 0 outliers (0.00 %)
    ACAKOA: removed 2 outliers (1.46 %)
    CLEPAR: removed 0 outliers (0.00 %)
    PERSAN: removed 0 outliers (0.00 %)
    MYRLES: removed 14 outliers (7.29 %)
    MELCLU: removed 0 outliers (0.00 %)
    HEDHIL: removed 1 outliers (4.00 %)
    LEPTAM: removed 0 outliers (0.00 %)
    MYRSAN: removed 0 outliers (0.00 %)
    PSYHAW: removed 0 outliers (0.00 %)

> Laupahoehoe.growth1 = growthDataLau$censusA
> Laupahoehoe.growth5 = growthDataLau$censusB


I would suggest using separate, self-implemented code to cross-validate any major results obtained with the CTFS R Package.