- 1
Memoize-inner wrong dependency version - 0.4.x
#40 opened by gzsombor - 3
operation to introspect the state of the cache
#35 opened by tychoish - 0
Allow non_snake_case for cargo clippy
#37 opened by nicolandu - 2
Shared cache is racy
#36 opened by RReverser - 3
Memoize-inner wrong dependency version
#34 opened by Synar - 2
Ignore parameter not working?
#33 opened by sivertjoe - 1
Compiler warnings when using `mut` arguments
#32 opened by jhenninger - 5
`SharedCache` option causes compilation error
#30 opened by haydnv - 2
`memoize` macro requires owned parameters
#31 opened by haydnv - 4
SharedCache constraints?
#26 opened by melMass - 1
[Question/Request] Async functions
#27 opened by hffmnn - 7
- 1
Implementing custom error handling
#24 opened by blyxyas - 2
- 2
memoize with lifetime?
#20 opened by hmeyer - 4
#[memoize] doesn't work on structs
#19 opened by GuiTaek - 2
Panics when used on fn without args
#17 opened by jscheid - 1
Invalidate entries
#16 opened by tronta - 1
Update lru to use v0.7 and up
#14 opened by maksimryndin - 2
range end index 4 out of range for slice of length 0 - rust-analyzer macro-error
#13 opened by aminya - 0
[suggestion] synchronization free memoization
#11 opened by yshui - 2
- 1
Fails to compile since syn-1.0.58: error[E0432]: unresolved import `syn::export`
#5 opened by shinmili - 2
type paramaters
#4 opened by burdges - 3
- 5
Time to live feature
#1 opened by inferrna