
Arcscript Transpiler for Arcweave Unity Plugin

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Arcweave Plugin for Unity

This plugin is for importing Arcweave projects into Unity. It uses the Arcweave data exported via "Export for Unity" (available to Pro and Team users) or fetched via Arcweave's web API (available only to Team users).

Plugin installation

To install the Arcweave Plugin for Unity:

  1. download the plugin from the Unity Assets Store or this repository.
  2. open a project in Unity.
  3. add the plugin's /arcweave subfolder to the project's Assets folder.

Getting Data from Arcweave

There are 2 ways you can transfer your project's data and access them with the Arcweave Plugin for Unity:

1. Export for Unity

Feature available to Pro and Team account holders. In Arcweave, go to Share & Export > Export > Engine > Export for Unity.

You get a .zip file containing 2 items:

  • Json.txt: contains all the data of your Arcweave project, minus any arcscript implementations.
  • ArcscriptImplementation.cs: contains all arcscript implementations of your Arcweave project.

Place those 2 files into any subfolder within your Unity project's Assets folder.

2. Use Arcweave's Web API

Feature available to Team account holders only. You can fetch your Arcweave project's data from within Unity, via Arcweave's web API.

To do this, you will need:

  • your API key as an Arcweave user.
  • your project's hash.

This chapter in the Arcweave Documentation explains where to find both of them.

Creating an ArcweaveProjectAsset

Either way, to import your data into Unity, you must create an ArcweaveProjectAsset in your Unity project. To do this, right-click on your Unity Assets tab and navigate to Create > Arcweave > Project Asset. Name the new .asset file as you prefer.

Open its inspector. You will see the option to import either From Json or From Web.

  • Importing from JSON: assign the json.txt file you got via "Export for Unity (see above).

  • Importing from web: paste your user API key and project hash in the respective fields (see above).

Click Generate Project to begin the import and generation process.

Once the process is completed succesfully, the inspector will show the imported project name along with its global variables. This monitoring is useful for runtime debugging.

If you import from Web, a C# file called ArcscriptImplementations.cs will be generated automatically alongside the ArcweaveProjectAsset file.

Note: associating Arcweave projects with ArcweaveProjectAsset files allows you to import as many Arcweave projects as you like, withing the same Unity project.

What now?

Your project is now imported and converted to C#.

The ArcweaveProjectAsset contains a public Project project {get} property which points to the actual project, to which the ArcweaveProjectAsset acts as a wrapper.

You can use the ArcweaveProjectAsset according to your project's needs. See Plugin Documentation, below.

Using the Demo Scene

Included in the plugin's package is also a Demo folder; a scene recreating Arcweave's Play Mode environment.

Running the Demo

To see the Unity Arcweave Player demo scene in action:

  1. open the ArcweaveDemoScene.
  2. select the ArcweavePlayer game object in the hierarchy.
  3. assign your previously imported project asset into the AW field.
  4. hit Play.

Adding Arcweave's image assets

If your Arcweave project includes image assets, the plugin can match their filenames with respective image files in any of your Unity project Resources folders and load them dynamically on demand.

If your project does not have a folder named Resources, just create one in its root folder.

The demo ArcweavePlayerUI demonstrates this dynamic image loading process.

Note: images imported in Unity for this purpose have to be set to the Default Texture Type, in the image import settings, for the ArcweavePlayerUI to be able to use them.

Plugin Documentation

Project class

You can access the Project class through the ArcweaveProjectAsset.project property. It is the root of an imported Arcweave project.


  • string name {get}
  • List<Board> boards {get}
  • List<Component> components {get}
  • List<Variable> variables {get}
  • Element startingElement {get}


Method Name Description
void Initialize () Should be called once before using the project.
Board BoardWithID (string id) Returns the Board with id.
Board BoardWithName (string name) Returns the Board with name.
T GetNodeWithID<T> (string id) Returns the INode of type T with id.
T GetVariable<T> (string name) Returns the variable value of type T with name.
object GetVariable (string name) Returns the variable object value with name.
bool SetVariable (string name, object value) Sets the variable with name to a new value.
void ResetVariablesToDefaultValues () Reset all variables to their default value.
string SaveVariables () Returns a string of the saved variables that can be loaded later.
void LoadVariables (string save) Loads a previously saved string made with SaveVariables.

Board class

Represents Arcweave boards.


  • string id {get}
  • string name {get}
  • List<INode> nodes {get}


Method Name Description
T NodeWithID<T> (string id) Returns the INode of type T with id.
Element ElementWithID (string id) Returns the Element with id.

Element class

Represents Arcweave elements.


  • string id {get}
  • string title {get}
  • string rawContent {get}
  • List<Component> components {get}
  • Cover cover {get}
  • List<Connection> outputs {get}


Method Name Description
string GetRuntimeContent () Returns the arcscript processed content.
State GetState () Returns information about possible outgoing paths taking into account conditions.
bool HasContent () Does the Element has any content at all?
bool HasComponent () Does the Element has any Component?
bool TryGetComponent (string name, out Component component) Try get a Component by name.
Texture2D GetCoverImage () Returns the Texture2D cover image from a Resources folder.
Texture2D GetFirstComponentCoverImage () Returns the Texture2D of the first component cover from a Resources folder.

Branch class

Represents Arcweave branches.


  • string id {get}
  • List<Condition> conditions {get}


Method Name Description
Condition GetTrueCondition () Returns the true condition.
Connection GetTrueConditionOutput () Returns the Connection of the true condition.

Condition class

Represents Arcweave conditions (expressions used in Arcweave branches).


  • string id {get}
  • string script {get}
  • Connection output {get}


Method Name Description
bool Evaluate () Evaluates the condition (invalid scripts return true)

Component class

Represents Arcweave components.


  • string id {get}
  • string name {get}
  • List<Attribute> attributes {get}
  • Cover cover {get}


Method Name Description
Texture2D GetCoverImage () Returns the Texture2D cover image from a Resources folder.

Attribute class

Represents Arcweave attributes.


  • string name {get}
  • DataType type {get}
  • object data {get}
  • ContainerType containerType {get}
  • string containerId {get}

Connection class

Defines an Arcweave connection.


  • string id {get}
  • string label {get}
  • INode source {get}
  • INode target {get}

State class

Represents the current state of an Element with possible outgoing paths. Can be used to control the arcweave flow easier. You can create the State of an element with the Element.GetState() method.


  • Element element {get}: the element this state was generated from.
  • Path[] paths {get}: the possible paths outgoing the element.
  • bool hasPaths {get}: checks if there are any paths.
  • bool hasOptions {get}: checks if there are any options.

Path class

Used by the State class (see above). Represents the path from a source element to a target element—if any.

It also grants access to the valid connection's label—if any. You can use labels as option texts for the player choices.

Note: the label closest to the target element overrides the ones before it.


  • string label {get}: the valid label.
  • Element targetElement {get}: the target element.

Variable class

Defines an Arcweave variable.


  • string name {get}
  • object value {get}
  • Type type {get}


Method Name Description
void ResetToDefaultValue () Reset the variable to its default value.


The ArcweavePlayer is provided as an example of using a project imported from Αrcweave and playing it similarly to the web app player. It is not required to utilize an arcweave imported project, but can be useful in some of your projects as-is.


You can subscribe the events below to your game's methods.

  • ArcweaveProjectAsset aw
  • bool autoStart
  • event OnProjectStart onProjectStart
  • event OnProjectFinish onProjectFinish
  • event OnElementEnter onElementEnter
  • event OnElementOptions onElementOptions
  • event OnWaitInputNext onWaitInputNext

See the included demo ArcweavePlayerUI for examples of their use.


Method Name Description
PlayProject () Plays the assigned arcweave project
Save () Save the current element the variables (this is done in PlayerPrefs).
Load () Loads the previously current element and the variables (from PlayerPrefs) and moves to that element