
New version of PRESS drupal files

Primary LanguageJavaScript

PRESS Forth Version

Publication REpository Semantic System

Publication management systems can be instrumental in disseminating research results across academia and industry, by providing facilities for uploading, editing and searching for publications. Usually, these systems can be used by individuals to assist them in their research or by organizations to help them classify and promote their publication items.

PRESS is an open-source publication system that exploits semantic technologies in order to cover the needs of both individuals and organizations. Thus, it supports fast data entry, advanced query capabilities and integration with other systems or datasets.

Module Installation

  • Install Drupal 7
  • Install and enable the following modules
  • Copy Drupal Module contents folder (sites/all/modules/publication_mod) in folder "sites/all/modules/"
  • Enable PRESS Organization Field & PRESS Publication Module
  • In case not all menus appear, please clear all caches from "[yourwebsite]/admin/config/development/performance"

Module Configuration

  • Go at "[yourwebsite]/admin/config/publications/publication_mod"
    • Add Blazegraph REST API URL
    • Add the Ontology Prefix
    • Import the Organizations. Go to Configuration -> PRESS Publication Module -> Edit Organizations Tab (or "[yourwebsite]/admin/config/publications/publication_mod/edit_orgs"). Then click on "Import Organizations from Blazegraph" and then "Submit Changes"
  • When you enable for the first time the PRESS Publication Module, it adds three fields for the user account and one user role called "Power User"
    • You have to be a Power User to add a Publication without being a contributor. The module assigns automatically the admin as Power User
    • You will also have to fill the above fields for your account in order to use the module.