
Kubernetes controller that modifies Deployments to only use cloned images

Primary LanguageGo


A Kubernetes controller which watches the applications and "caches" the images by re-uploading to our own registry repository and reconfiguring the applications to use these copies.


The controller in action: https://asciinema.org/a/O7Qk6BiZaoAiVMUSaXkOBkOdM

You can actually spot it doing its thing on itself directly after deploying. But after that the functionality is demonstrated on an example nginx deployment.


  • Kubebuilder (Project was scaffolded with version 3.0.0-beta.0. Earlier version might not work.)
  • docker (>=19.0 - Earlier versions might work but were not tested.)

Setting up the Backup Registry

Either create a file ./config/manager/secrets/.dockerconfigjson with the content:

  "auths": {
    "<registry>": {
      "username": "<username>",
      "password": "<password>",
      "email": "<email>",
      "auth": "<base64 encoded '<username>:<password>'>"

or just run hack/generate_pull_secret.sh and follow the prompt.

How to deploy

$ export IMG="<registry>/<image>:<tag>"
$ make docker-build
$ make docker-push
$ make deploy

Known bugs

  • Some source images when retagged trigger a 401 Unauthorized when pushed to the "backup registry".
  • No testing.


This is my first Kubernetes controller, so this probably is far from best practices. There are always things to improve, but learning to write a controller by doing it while working and having 2 kids at home during corona are the reasons why I kept the scope pretty narrow and went for the naive/pragmatic approach. (Like always copying the image, since the push will figure out if it already exists remotely.)

Nevertheless it was a great learning experience. kubebuilder took care of a lot of scaffolding and also helped leading the way.

I still have no clue how to properly test a controller. :(