
A simple data pipeline to calculate the monthly average trip length and a 45 days rolling average trip length of NY yellow cabs.

Primary LanguagePython


A simple data pipeline to calculate the monthly average trip length and a 45 days rolling average trip length of NY yellow cabs.

Disclaimer: I interpreted "trip length" as duration, not as distance


  • Python 3.7
  • tox (optional to run tests and linting smoothly)


Clone this repository and

$ pip install .


$ pip install dist/yellowcabs-1.0.0-py3-none-any.whl

For production use the wheel would probably be pushed to a private pypi/devpi index and installed from there - or directly copied and installed into a docker image for production. This depends on how things are being run in production.


Environment Variable Description Default
YC_BASE_URL Base URL of the taxi data "https://s3.amazonaws.com/nyc-tlc/trip+data/"
YC_TRIP_DATA Kind of data to analyze. "yellow_tripdata"
YC_LOCAL_CACHE_DIR Location to store cache data <python environment>/share
YC_DB_URL SQLAlchemy connection_string "sqlite:///results.sqlite"



$ yellowcabs 2019-01
The average trip duration in 01/2019 was 988 seconds.

Rounded to full seconds for readability. More exact data is available in the results from the data pipeline.


$ luigi --local-scheduler --module yellowcabs.luigi NYTaxiTripDurationAnalytics --month 2019-01
$ luigi --local-scheduler --module yellowcabs.luigi NYTaxiTripDurationAnalytics --month 2019-02

You probably want to run the luigi pipeline on a monthly base by a cronjob. That way on the start of a month new data-sets from the previous month can be batch-ingested.

The 45 day rolling average trip duration can be found in the table trip_duration_rolling_average. (database as defined in the config)


If the data ingested gets too big for being held in ram or written to local temp-files like now, the pipeline would need to be refactored to maybe use Dask instead of plain pandas and a proper data warehouse or at least a proper database to store temprorary result sets.

Since data engineering not a big part of my professional experience I probably went a pretty naive way on my implementation, but I learned something on the way.