CyberInu Slack Profile updater

Generates a new image of CyberInu pictures (art by agaberu) with the current time on his eyes and sets it as Slack profile picture.


Model 0 Model 1 Model 2 Model 3


Usage of cyberinu:
  -log-file string
        File to log to
  -model-index int
        Model index to render (default -1)
  -output string
        Generate the image and save it as a file instead of uploading to slack
  -request-timeout duration
        Request timeout (default 45s)
  -seconds-offset int
        Seconds after which we generate picture for the next minute (default 30)
  -slack-token string
        Slack token
  -update-interval duration
        Update interval (default 1m0s)

Deployment with Docker

You can build a standalone docker image using:

docker build -t cyberinu:latest .

You can then run the container on with:

docker run -d --name cyberinu -e TZ=Europe/Paris -e SLACK_TOKEN=<slack_token> cyberinu:latest

The token must be a Slack Legacy Token, and can be created/requested per workspace here

You may want to omit -e TZ=Europe/Paris when running on a machine with same timezone as yours, or change it to fit your target timezone (See list)