
Counter using React, Redux Toolkit, Thunks

Primary LanguageTypeScript

PS: I have 2 branches

  • master: With solutions solving the problems exactly.
  • slight-enhancement: With a slightly modified solution.



React.js Counter Task

Welcome to the React.js Counter Task! This task involves implementing a counter functionality in a React.js project. You will need to clone the project, update specific files, and push your code back to your own repository.

Task Overview

Your task is to implement the following functionality in the existing React.js project:

  1. Increment/Decrement Button Logic: Implement logic to increase or decrease the count by 1 on button click.
  2. Custom Amount Addition: Add an input box where users can enter any amount. Implement functionality so that when the "Add Amount" button is clicked, the count gets increased by the entered amount.
  3. Conditional Increase: Implement a feature to only increase the count by the amount entered in the input box when the current count value is odd.


  1. Install ASDF: (A universal version manager)
    • brew install asdf
  2. Add an ASDF plugin:
    • asdf plugin add nodejs https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf-nodejs.git
  3. Install all dependencies: (Will install all dependencies mentioned in tool-versions file)
    • asdf install

Getting Started

  1. Clone the Repository: First, you need to clone the repository to your local machine.

    git clone [repository-url]
  2. Navigate to the Project Directory:

    cd [project-directory]
  3. Install Dependencies:

    npm install

    or if you're using yarn:

    yarn install

Files to Update

You will need to make changes in the following files. Look for comments in each file for specific instructions:

  • counterSlice.ts: Update the Redux slice to handle the new actions.
  • thunks.ts: Implement count conditional update[if odd] logic here.
  • Counter.tsx: Update the React component to implement the new UI and logic.


  • Correctly implement all the functionalities as described above.
  • Ensure that you add proper types to your code (TypeScript).
  • Write clean and readable code with proper comments.
  • Make sure the application compiles and runs without errors.


Once you have implemented the required functionality:

  1. Commit your changes with a meaningful commit message.

    git commit -m "Implement counter functionality"
  2. Push your changes to your own repository.

    git push origin [your-branch-name]
  3. Submit the repo url to prithvi@smartdino.tech and cc arun@smartdino.tech

Evaluation Criteria

  • Correct implementation of the functionalities.
  • Code quality and adherence to standard coding practices.
  • Use of TypeScript for type safety.
  • Creativity and problem-solving skills.

Extra Points

  • Extra points will be awarded for adding additional useful features or UI enhancements beyond the basic requirements.
  • Clean code and proper usage of Git (e.g., meaningful commit messages) will also be considered for extra points.

Good luck with your task!