Experiment to create Blog powered by Rust, Actix Web, & Tera.
- Fast because of Actix Web & Rust.
- Fastest dynamic templating engine, using Tera.
- Pulldown Cmark for markdown.
- Live watch of folder using Notify, Arc & RwLock magic.
- All the guarantees of Rust.
- Rust is slow to develop with.
- If bad template is passed to Rust program, it poisons the RwLock and any other process accessing it fails.
- Rust's compiler becomes hard to decipher when error occurs in Tokio Runtime.
- Rust is verbose.
- Lots of imports.
- Lots of type defs.
- It's better to not reinvent the wheel.
- Loose / Duck typing is faster to develop with.
- If I don't have to import stuffs, it would be great.
- Live reload should be a no brainer.
- Powerful html aware templating.
Hence chosing Elixir and Phoenix framework going forward.