B2TD is a graphical user interface and software program created using TouchDesigner. The program is designed to control the intelligent lighting and projection system of the Black Box Experimental Studio in the B2 Center for Media, Arts & Performance.

MIT LicenseMIT


B2TD is a graphical user interface and software program created using TouchDesigner. The program is designed to control the intelligent lighting and projection systems of the Black Box Experimental Studio in the B2 Center for Media, Arts & Performance.


Walkthrough and Performances

The following videos walkthrough how to use B2TD. The begineer video does not assume knowledge of TouchDesigner while the intermediate does.

The walkthrough videos along with performances created using B2TD can be found in the playlist B2TD - Walkthrough and Performances.


  1. Download TouchDesigner
  2. Ensure proper connections are established to DMX, projectors, and motion capture system* (optional).
  3. Open B2TD.toe (ensure DMX, auras, color_pars, and mocap (optional) are all enabled and active)

*Change Wifi to BlackBoxPerformanceWifi and open OSC connection from Qualysis


The current iteration of B2TD has limited functionality and documentation, the demo performances use features beyond its scope. The functionality of B2TD can be expanded to features including, but not limited to:

  • Setting light patterns
  • Saving and switching between light states
  • Changing light appearance and control based on conditions, events, and/or an animation timeline
  • Controlling lights through:
    • MIDI controllers
    • Abelton Live
    • Audio or visual cues
  • Connecting projector visuals to light parameters and vice versa

To expand the program functionality, please contact b2td@derrekchow.com


B2TD was created by Derrek Chow, a visiting researcher at the ATLAS Institute in Summer 2022.