
This repo includes the steps for creating a Docker container with Cloud Native Buildpack to build image for Dotnet Core app.

Primary LanguageShell


This repo includes the steps for creating a Docker container with Cloud Native Buildpack to build image for Dotnet Core app.

1. Download tools

We need 2 tools here, the Dotnet Core Buildpack and the Pack cli.


2. Build the Docker image

I have prepared a Dockerfile which contains the tools we downloaded in step 1.


3. Download and build a sample

Git clone a sample and use dotnet cli to build it


4. Build the container image

Use the Docker image we created in step 2 to build image for the sample. You will need to modify the Registry URL and username/password to make it work.


5. Test the image locally

You should be able to see the Docker image built in step 4, you can test it locally


6. Deploy to K8s

I have prepared a yml file for K8s deployment, includes Deployment and Service. You will need to modify the path of image in deploy-k8s.yml before running


If you are using PKS. You need to retrieve the kubeconfig by below commands before running step 6.

pks login -a <your PKS api endpoint> -u <username> -p <password>
pks get-credentials <cluster name>


pks get-kubeconfig <cluster name> -a <your PKS api endpoint> -u <username>

7. Test

If step 6 succeed, you can use

kubectl get svc
⇒  kubectl get svc
NAME             TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)          AGE
sample-web-api   LoadBalancer   5000:31046/TCP   82s

to check the external IP of the service we just created. You can try to access it with browser or curl. In my example,