
A react decorator for clickable items to confirm user intent.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


npm version

A react decorator for clickable items to confirm user intent.

npm install react-decision

Use <Decision> to wrap an item that has an onClick prop. When clicked, the user will be presented with a modal to confirm their intentions before continuing the onClick or aborting.



Can either be used standalone (uses <button>), or wrap a component that has an onClick property.

Standalone example

<Decision onClick={deleteImportantStuff}>delete?!</Decision>


  <button onClick={deleteImportantStuff}>delete?!</button>

With props

  header="Delete this?!"
  message="Are you sure though?"
  <button onClick={deleteImportantStuff}>delete?!</button>


  • header: String, header text in modal
  • message: String, message text in modal
  • positiveLabel: String, label for the positive/continue button.
  • negativeLabel: String, label for the negative/cancel/abort button.
  • useFlex: Boolean, defaults to true, uses flexbox to centre the modal. Otherwise repositions vertically based on dynamic height.

If using standalone, you can also use:

  • onClick: function, called when the blocking modal receives positive confirmation.
  • className: String, classnames passed through to the generated button.