
USENET-inspired decentralized internet discussion system

Primary LanguageGoGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


                       INTERACTIVE ASYNC / FULL DUPLEX

                            Dial Up To 19.2 Kbps

    _  _ _ __ ____                  __   _      __                   ___  ____
   /  / / // / __/_ _____  ___ ____/ /  (_)__ _/ / _    _____ ___ __( _ )/ / /
  _\ _\_\_\\_\ \/ // / _ \/ -_) __/ _ \/ / _ \/ _ \ |/|/ / _ \/ // / _  /_  _/
 /  / / // /___/\_,_/ .__/\__/_/ /_//_/_/\_, /_//_/__,__/\_,_/\_, /\___/ /_/
                   /_/                  /___/                /___/


  The V.H.S. (Very High Speed) Superhighway84 platform is more than just the
fastest decentralized, usenet-inspired communications platform available. It is
 also the first one to be based on the latest IPFS technology available today!

    Superhighway84 offers the most spectacular features under the Spectrum.
                             100% Error Protection
                         Data and Character Compression
                         Alternate Bell Compatible Mode
                         Long Haul Satellite Operation
                              Network Diagnostics
                                 Fallback Mode
                                    And More!

      The Superhighway84 modern decentralized internet discussion system.
                         It should cost a lot more than $0.



Clone this repository and run:

$ go build .

The binary will be available at ./superhighway84 and can be moved wherever you

If you don't have IPFS installed already, make sure to do so in order to be able
to initialize your IPFS repository:


The IPFS repository can be initialized using the following command:

$ ipfs init


Simply launch the binary:

$ ./superhighway84

A setup wizard will help you with initial configuration. Please make sure to
have at least HOME and EDITOR exported in your environment.

In case you would like to use a dedicated ipfs repository for Superhighway84,
you will have to export a different IPFS_PATH and make sure it was initialized

$ export IPFS_PATH=~/.ipfs-sh84
$ ipfs init
$ superhighway84

In case you're intending to run the official IPFS daemon and Superhighway84 in
parallel, be sure to adjust the ports in their respective IPFS repos (e.g.
~/.ipfs and ~/.ipfs-sh84) so that they won't utilize the same port numbers.
The ports 4001, 5001 and 8080 are relevant and should be adjusted to something
other for every new repo/IPFS node that will run in parallel, e.g.:

  "Addresses": {
    "Swarm": [
    "Announce": [],
    "NoAnnounce": [],
    "API": "/ip4/",
    "Gateway": "/ip4/"


Keyboard shortcuts:

- C-R: Refresh
- C-H: Focus groups list
- C-L: Focus articles list
- C-Q: Quit
-   K: Move up in list
-   J: Move down in list
-   H: Move left in list
-   L: Move right in list
-  CR: Select item in list
-   N: Publish new article
-   R: Reply to selected article


- The OrbitDB that Superhighway84 uses is a public database, meaning everyone
  can alter its data. Since its using a standard _docstore_, PUT and DELETE
  events can alter existing data. This issue will be solved in the future by
  customizing the store to ignore these types of events.

- Probably plenty more that have yet to been found...


- Superhighway84 name, code and graphics by mrusme

- Logo backdrop by Swift