
This is an application that allows user to do register and login. Then allow any logged in user to delete or update a record from the database

MIT LicenseMIT


Table of contents

General info

TA-Django is an application that allows user to do register and login. Then allow any logged in user to delete or update a record from the database.

The application allows the user to:

  • Create a post.

  • Display all posts in a blog.

  • The posts should be paginated.

  • Click one post and view all details.

  • Update and delete a post.


Project is created with:

  • Python 3.6
  • Django


To run this project, please follow the following instructions.

  • Get access to the internet
  • Sign into your github pages. Set up would require access to github pages; the webpage uses an index file linked on github pages. This would require membership and access to the derriqo repository.
  • Search for derriqo on the github pages and select the TA-Django repository.
  • Clone the repository.


  • In your terminal:

      $ git clone https://github.com/derriqo/TA-Django
      $ cd serverject

Running the Application

  • To run the application, in your terminal:

      $ python manage.py runserver

Testing the Application

  • To run the tests for the application file:

      $ python3.6 manage.py test

Behaviour Driven Development

User Story As a user i want to be able to view people's projects without loging in and login in only when i want to rate other users projects .

Input Output
--- The Homepage is displayed
User Registers for an account Registration form is displayed
User Creates Post/Posts Posts are displayed on Landing Page
User clicks on a Project User is able to view Post Details
Signout Enables user to Exit the Application

Support and contact details

For any inquiries, please reach out to derrick.william24@yahoo.com


None at the moment, but would love to hear your feedback!


Created by Derrick William.