
Primary LanguagePython


  • |ifset:ifID,var,value checks if var==value ifID needs to be set if multiple ifs or else is used
  • |else:ifID checks if this ifID is not triggered,yet. sample see ifset
  • |file:%s.h,name : write filename python string with replacements after first comma
  • |overwrite : overwrites file? todo: isn't that default?
  • |output : output in alternative block (same level)
  • |reference:ref-name : adds reference to this block to be reuse via /block-ref:ref-name/../endblock-ref/


  • |required : attribute is required
  • |auto : element is triggered even without input
  • |fu : input first character upper-case e.g.
  • |l : convert string to lower characters
  • |u : convert string to uppper characters
  • |replace,from,to : replaces 'from' string with 'to'-string
  • |c2s : convert CamelCase to snake_case
  • |pre:prefix : prefix to input
  • |post:postfix : postfix to input
  • |post_n_blast:postfix,[tag-filter] : postfix if not last block, use tag-filter to only count idx and len of specified tag-type. use 'comma' as keyword if needed (dont use the character itself in combination with filter)
  • |store
  • |lstore
  • |lget
  • |echo:string,var1,var2,... : *corresponds to python str % (var1,var2,...). special vars:
    • @=input
    • @default=(value of template @scoped_value_name)
    • @idx=(elem-idx in xml-block)
    • @idx#tag=(elem-idx of this tag in the current xml-block)
  • |enum:key,enum_name captures input as enum value for the corresponding key. all enums captured under this enum_name will be options for this input/
     /*name:type|enum:int,ctype*/int/*endname*/ intValue=0;  
  • |enum_add : add a name to a specific enum
    • enum_add:ctype
  • |enum_mod : modifies an enum-output for a specific enum-item:
    • enum_mod:type,float,%sf <--append f
    • enum_mod:type,string,"%s" <--wrap in dquotes
  • |enum_strict : only available enum-values are possible, not freetext
  • |default : value that is used in the template
  • |map
  • |getmap
  • |if:condition,true-output,false-output
    true and false-outputs can use variables via @-notation.
    @current=the enclosed value
    or @varname e.g. Key[@keyid]
  • |


    "name" : "service-generator",
    "rootname": "root",
    "config" : {
    "templates": [
            "name": "interface",
            "path": "${configfolder}/templates/GeneratorServiceInterface.cs",
            "onlyParse" : true
            "name": "service_impl",
            "path": "${configfolder}/templates/GeneratorServiceImpl.cs"
	"imports" : [

TODO: more dynamic decorators for names and blocks TODO: FIX If-Blocks TODO: make blocks cross template referenceable to prevent tedious work of the same stuff. e.g. parameter-block give it an it, and in block create decorator like: /block:param|ref:service.method.param/.../endblock:/ TODO: kick rip-blocks from autocompletion (/block:rip/) (but it still needs to be processed, because you might have enum-declarations in it) TODO: post_n_blast should be really a block-decorator TODO: enum: dynamic add e.g. classname (runtime have to write in xsd!?) TODO: names: global decorators that are valid for all names of this type. (e.g. replace '['=>'<' should be applied to all types so you won't need to add this command everywhere