This project is a template for a node.js application serving a web application.
It contains the basic setup for a build chain using grunt.
- Check-out and copy the project to the new one
- Search for all occurrences of "node-webapp-template" and replace with proper name (LICENSE, package.json, ...)
- Modify generic descriptions (, package.json, ...)
- Set up Travis-CI
- Set up Coveralls
- lint: running jshint (.jshintrc) and jsbeautifier (.jsbeautifyrc)
- test: running mocha on server and client tests
- compile: browserify on all client sources, uglify for minification
- coverage: runs a silent test using istanbul for coverage.
- doc: YUIdoc on all sources
The default task runs lint, test and compile in that order.
The project is available under the terms of the New BSD License.