This project aims to collect data from a weather station and display it in a user friendly manner. It has been developed by Jeremy Michel as part of his internship in 2016 at the Insight Centre for Data Analytics under the supervision of Wassim Derguech.
#First iteration of a weather station project.
- JDK 8:
- JRE 8:
- MongoDB 3.2.8:
- Robomongo (great MongoDB UI)
- Integration to an IDE:
- Java Play 2.5.3
- Mongo java driver 3.2.2
- Clone or unzip this repository
- Run MongoDB server
- Go to root folderh
- Run the activator ("bin/activator run") with your console
- When all assets have been downloaded and the project is compiled, access http://localhost:9000/landing/generator on your web browser (Chrome works 100%, other browsers not tested). Tis will generate a database called "myDB", which contains random sets of data
- Access http://localhost:9000/landing when the data has been generated